on 07-01-2015 09:44 AM
It's a long time since I've posted, but I am desperate for any help and advice.
I am 53 and in September was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I have had a whipple procedure which took 81/2 hours of surgery, but unfortunately, they were unable to remove all the cancer as it had attached itself to an artery. This procedure was done in November and yet I am still feeling so unwell.
I have been to see an oncologist twice and I am due to start chemo in the next week. Both times I have seen the oncologist, I have gone home and just cried and cried, as he has given me nothing positive to hold on too.
I am absolutely devastated by my diagnosis as they have told me they can't cure me and only 1 in 5 will get through to the end of chemo treatment. I know everyone says to stay positive, but I have been given nothing positive to hold on to and I just can't stop crying.
If you have been through this type of cancer and procedure, please post for me, I really need to talk to people who understand what I am going through and if what I am feeling is normal.
on 08-01-2015 09:04 PM
on 09-01-2015 04:22 PM
on 09-01-2015 06:59 PM
Hi Freddie,
My sister is going to come with me when I have chemo. Hopefully after the first week I can go on my own. I really don't like to bother people if I can help it. She has her own family to take care of.
on 09-01-2015 07:19 PM
@mybluestang wrote:Hi Freddie,
My sister is going to come with me when I have chemo. Hopefully after the first week I can go on my own. I really don't like to bother people if I can help it. She has her own family to take care of.
you are her family
on 09-01-2015 08:30 PM
@mybluestang wrote:Hi Freddie,
My sister is going to come with me when I have chemo. Hopefully after the first week I can go on my own. I really don't like to bother people if I can help it. She has her own family to take care of.
Often at a time like this people really, really want to "bothered" - it makes them feel less helpless. At the same time they are often nervous about intruding or forcing their help on you, so they wait for you to ask..
on 09-01-2015 08:50 PM
@mybluestang wrote:Hi Freddie,
My sister is going to come with me when I have chemo. Hopefully after the first week I can go on my own. I really don't like to bother people if I can help it. She has her own family to take care of.
What the great she & mrgrizz said is so true - you are her family too
And very often at a time like this people really do not know what to do or say or how to act & they do feel helpless not knowing what to do for the best, so they wait for you to ask, which is why I said previously, don't be afraid to ask for help. Crazy as this may sound, it is usually a very difficult emotional time for them also - not that I mean that to sound as though I am trying to detract in anyway from what you are experiencing, it's just sometimes in these situations people don't necessarily act the way we expect them to.
Don't under estimate the love and caring that surrounds you
And in case we don't catch up over the weekend, although we probably will, take care, remember to smile and the very best of luck with everything in Bendigo
10-01-2015 03:22 PM - edited 10-01-2015 03:23 PM
Thinking of you Deb
on 10-01-2015 10:30 PM
Thinking of you here too Deb
on 10-01-2015 10:45 PM
Thinking of you bluestang.......(((((((hug
on 12-01-2015 04:12 PM
Not sure when this week you're off to Bendigo, but thoughts are with you