Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

No terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. However, an Islamic State militant praised the attack on the French satirical magazine on Wednesday.

"The lions of Islam have avenged our Prophet," Abu Mussab, who fights for IS insurgents in Syria, told Reuters via internet connection. "These are our lions. It's the first drops – more will follow," he said, speaking via an internet connection from Syria. He added that he and his fellow fighters are happy about the incident.

Mussab said he did not know the gunmen who carried out the attack, but added "they are on the path of the emir [IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi]....and our Sheikh Osama (bin Laden)."

Reports suggest that the cartoons portraying Prophet Mohammed published earlier by the satirical paper were the reason for the attack. The gunmen reportedly called out the victims by name, shouting: “We have avenged the prophet."


The religion of peace at it again.

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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Yup, it's their country and they make the rules
Message 31 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

We're letting these terrorist go from Guantanamo bay, that's where they think one of the guys came from. Some of these guys we're letting go are bad, and they were bad before they got there, one has a record of terrorism.
Message 32 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@gleee58 wrote:

@punch*drunk wrote:

Awful pictures, but agree they shouldnt be killed for them. Having said that, they should probably have been expecting something like this to happen and had higher security.


The cartoons are not that unlike what you see drawn about politicians here in Australia, and probably around the world, but they were targeting a much more dangerous group.

They target anyone and everyone. Check out the father, son and holy ghost.

what was the reaction to that 



is that the point you're trying to make?




Message 33 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

"BTW. among the first to condemn this act was the muslim community in France."

Who cares!!!!!'s not stopping any of this.
Message 34 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

Yes Bushie, exactly!   Splitting hairs doesn't work, madmen, terrorists, the difference being that terrorists aren't always just "madmen", rather, these are people who join enormous and dangerous like minded religious/brainwashed armies in the name of their "god/gods" believing they are right, and that everyone in their reach must adhere to that way of thinking and living.




Message 35 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@*julia*2010 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@daydream**believer wrote:

And at least the French PM has the balls to call it what it is, a terrorist attack

What else would it be called?



a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
a person who terrorizes or frightens others.



i think ddb is trying to make a point here -

the actions are not being labelled as those

of a "madman".  






and my point is, 3 madmen, called terrorists....................and an act of terrorism..... not exactly a normal reaction to something they don't like?

do you understand why ddb said

at least the french pm had the etc.


i think that is the point that you missed

or maybe didn't understand  Woman Frustrated






Woman LOL

Message 36 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@outdoorhunting1 wrote:

@debra9275 wrote:
I hope they are picked up soon.


Do you expect them to be taken alive ?


or should be taken alive ?



It would be better for an angry crowd to get them first

Message 37 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

"Charlie Hebdo grew out of a weekly called Hara Kiri Hebdo founded in 1969 by a group of left-leaning journalists. The newspaper in its current form dates to 1992, when several journalists pooled their money and set up a foundation to run the publication. According to a 2008 story in Le Monde, the foundation was called “Kalashnikov Editions”—by grotesque coincidence, the name of the rifle used in the terror attack."


Entire Article Here




Like most newspapers in the 21st century, Charlie Hebdo seemed to consider lack of money as the biggest threat to its existence. According to French press reports, the newspaper had as many as 140,000 regular readers a decade ago, but readership had declined to about 50,000 by last year. Last November, the newspaper made a public appeal for donations, saying it was barely staying afloat.

Message 38 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@idlewhile wrote:

Satire is just what it means, taking a different view of events. We may not like it and we may think it goes too far eg. The 7.30 report when it did a satirical round up on PM Abbott, but we didn't go in there and let rip with Kalashnikovs.


There is NO EXCUSE for this barbarism, NO EXCUSE and we should not bow down to this terror.


Satire has been a part of literature since time began and now these animals take the it as an excuse to kill.


Frankly I'm fed up with any remark that they somehow deserved it because they printed off colour and offensive satire, that's what satire is most of the time.


These people are animals, killers, bloodlust and hate filled and NOTHING we do in the west deserves this.


We just went through one madman killer in Martin Place, did we somehow deserve that by some percieved insult or slight?


It has happened here twice so far and yet somehow people are saying we somehow invited it because of our western democracy and lifestyle.

It has happened here and will happen again because we allow them to come here, they have no desire to be like us, they want us to become like them  

Message 39 of 317
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Re: Paris manhunt: 3 gunmen at large, 12 shot dead at Charlie Hebdo offices

@bushies.girl wrote:
I fully understood whatDDB meant

i think some people only pretend

they don't.  not sure why though  Smiley Indifferent



Message 40 of 317
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