on 05-01-2015 09:35 PM
Help please. For some reason I thought the concert was at Southbank... but its at Doombsal or Boomball.
It's at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre... I spose Public transport and taxis okay on the night?? Should we get accommodation close to the area or stay in the CBD? We were going to make a big night or two of it and stay at Rydges Southbank as I thought it was right next door doh. We usually stay at the Oaks Charlotte, all a pit posh I know, but we're county bumpkins and honestly happy in basic three star. Its about location though and avoiding too many crowds, extra travel and queuing. Would value other peoples' experiences.
on 06-01-2015 02:39 PM
FA bushland, with middle class homes everywhere.
on 06-01-2015 06:32 PM
Owah! I did say partly through bushland...
on 07-01-2015 04:38 PM
Thanks everyone, I think !!
Dixo, Redcliffe looks great and I will look at it when we can stay longer. This time, I think we'll stay in the city, close to the mall and eateries and from memory there is a very useful translink booth there.
Will rely on public tansport or a taxi.
Prefer the train, just not sure, even now, if its a leisurely 500m stroll from Boondall to the EC or whether its a packed lunch and a compass!
on 07-01-2015 09:19 PM
That's ok tttt,
It might be a good idea to ask if the concierge at the hotel could find out if there's any transfer buses going to the concert from the city you could get a seat on.
Hey, they might even have enough guests staying for the concert to warrant(sp) getting a maxi taxi or even a bus organised themselves!! If you don't ask - you'll never know.