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on 22-08-2014 08:48 AM
He really did say this:
"If a driver sexually assaulted a passenger they picked up along the way, I don't think it appropriate for the … leadership of that company be held responsible.''
Comparing children attending church to hitchhikers?!!!!!!!!!!!
Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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on 23-08-2014 07:35 AM
In answer to your question, most Japanese military personnel executed after World War 2 were not executed because they committed the crime. They were executed because they knew what was happening, had the power to prevent it, but did nothing.
Now apply the same standards to the Catholic Church hierarchy. The priests, were under the direct control of the church performing a faction on its behalf. They knew the offences were being committed, but because it was, at the time, considered in the best interests of the church to turn a blind eye, they did nothing; and in doing so, made themselves as culpable as the priest who committed the crime.
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on 24-08-2014 07:34 AM
Pell's lack of compassion has frightened me for many years.
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24-08-2014 08:13 AM - edited 24-08-2014 08:16 AM
reply to channysmum who said at beg of this thread:
I didn't go to the link, however, it is in my opinion the responsibility lies on the person performing the deed, unless they are ordered to do so. By this I mean soldiers killing soldiers etc.
I someone uses your computer to watch kiddy porn and goes out and assualts a child is it your fault. You allowed that person to use your computer.
I will assume that you said no.
Therefore if a priest/teacher/scout leader/etc uses the premises to procure a child, why then is it the fault of the owner of the premises.
I take challenge with your analogy sorry if I offend or rile you.
I went to a Catholic girl's high school, I am not a Catholic. My brother was also subjected to abuse from an Anglican moron, when my bro was vulnerable, trusting environ etc and I have only recently discovered this. I witnessed the aftermath of one of my close school girlfriends that was sexually molested by a Catholic priest, the nuns knew what a moron this guy was yet continued his attack and abuse on several girls. On finding my gf sobbing and shaking uncontrollably after being over at this efftards church, as instructed by the nuns, to 'assist setting up the alter for mass' I asked my gf what was the prob etc.....she told me exactly what the creep was doing....to cut a long story short I told her to always refuse to go unless 2 others went with her, she said that she had been with 2 other girls but when they got to the church rectumary that this moron instructed the other 2 girls to stay out in the church main and 'get busy' doing whatever-leaving my gf alone with him in the 'back' rooms.My gf lived with her Dad and was seperated from her Mum back then. I told her to tell her Auntie but this was refused as her aunt was a devout Catholic (which she was) and my gf was correct in her assumption that no-one close would believe her. So as innocent 13 yr olds we strategised how to keep my gf away from this slime.He used to ask when their Birthday's were too!.....not selecting any girls that had already turned 14. This creep used to 'visit' our classes on ev wednesday mornings we were in year 8, or 1st year back in 1970-and he used to smell of red wine and alcohol even at 9.00am in the mornings-he was pist as a rotten piece of flake! He looked flushed and sweaty even on a cold morning. 2 nuns used to flank him as he went from room to room 'selecting' girls..... We were all innocents-I even remember once putting up my hand, before I realised what he was doing-to volunteer to help set-up. Catholacism and rituals during mass esp fascinated me!!I was always rejected (even told twice that I would not go to Heaven because I was not worthy as I was not of the true religion and not recognised my Our Father ....etc ....etc 2 other Anglican girls and 1 Greek Orthodox in my class , we were all told to stand up and told all this **bleep**e in front of the rest of the girls, yes!!) When this creep priest went from class to class ev wednesday morning 'culling' our young flesh, I noticed how the mood changed in our class rooms and how the girls physically cringed on his arrival at both the school and more so into our room. The nuns sometimes called out to the class to turn their eyes to the front of the room and even to look upon this creep .....he usually (thick Irish accent) used to ask for a show of hands to see which girls had been to confession and which ones hadn't....yeah?! I tell no lies.
.....obviously this was some precurser for determining his flesh'selection'. He used to fondle and caress and slobber and basically sexually grope for his own satisfaction. ......I will not devulge about my bro as this is before the Royal Commission for Abuse atm.
This is NOT about computers or kiddy porn.
This is about knowing about criminal activity, lack of Duty of Care by THE OTHER WITNESSING ADULTS. .....by a known CRIM against minors IN THEIR CARE.
footnote: the 'priest' that abused my gf died a painful, unpleasant death from liver cancer - he was an alcoholic. Good things happen sometimes.
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22-08-2014 08:57 AM - edited 22-08-2014 08:58 AM
I didn't go to the link, however, it is in my opinion the responsibility lies on the person performing the deed, unless they are ordered to do so. By this I mean soldiers killing soldiers etc.
I someone uses your computer to watch kiddy porn and goes out and assualts a child is it your fault. You allowed that person to use your computer.
I will assume that you said no.
Therefore if a priest/teacher/scout leader/etc uses the premises to procure a child, why then is it the fault of the owner of the premises.
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22-08-2014 09:12 AM - edited 22-08-2014 09:13 AM
@channys_mum wrote:Therefore if a priest/teacher/scout leader/etc uses the premises to procure a child, why then is it the fault of the owner of the premises.
That is not the point, Pell and other church leaders were told about priests abusing children, over and over again, and they just moved the priests, and now they say that the church is not responsible. They are responsible for not protecting the kids, they protected the perpetrators, they covered up their crimes, they failed to report the crimes.
Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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on 22-08-2014 09:15 AM
If a relatively large number of the company's truck drivers have been engaged in these activities, and the trucking company, rather than firing these malefactors, simply moves them to a different route, and aids in concealing their nefarious doings, I can understand going after the company hierarchy.....
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on 22-08-2014 09:17 AM
Interesting augment but it fails at the first hurdle. That is no such thing as “I see no evil” defence.
For instance, when it comes to the military, an officer can be held accountable for the crimes of a subordinate, if they knew the crime was being committed and didn’t try to pevent it.
The same goes for the Church. The Church is liable because the priest was under their direction and control. Therefore if they knew a crime was being committed, and everthing points to the fact that they knew, but did nothing to stop it, then the Church is as lialbe for rime as the priest who committed it.
The same goes for the trucking company, or the owner of the computer. If they knew they had a responsibility to at least report, and if they don’t, they can be found as liable as the person who actually committed the crime.
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on 22-08-2014 10:11 AM
You may have had a point 500 years ago when much of Europe was pretty much a fundamentalist Catholic State.
But it’s 500 years since then and the same church doesn’t have the same power, and we are all the better for it.
But it does go to show what happens when a religion, any religion believes itself to be above the law.
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on 22-08-2014 11:22 AM
It is not just the Catholic Church. When I asked for an explanation on how the things that were done to me over a 7 year period in the name of another church organisation could occur, I was told that the problem arose during the 3 or 4 year training period.
This was in the 1950's.
I was told that part way through the training period it was quite obvious that some persons could not be allowed to run a congregation and that as they did not want to turn away any applicants, they thought that the best solution was to put those not considered suitable in charge of childrens homes on the basis that if anything did go wrong they could contain the problem.
A little like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
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on 22-08-2014 11:37 AM
Where did my comment go?
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on 22-08-2014 12:44 PM
Trucking industry cries foul to national insult
Cardinal George Pell has publicly insulted every truck driver in Australia, the Chair of the Australian Trucking Association, Noelene Watson, said today.
She was responding to Cardinal Pell’s comments to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse yesterday, where he stated that the Catholic Church was no more responsible for priests who abuse children than a trucking company would be if they employed a driver who molested women.
“There are more than 170,000 professional truck drivers in Australia. They have families and children. Cardinal Pell’s analogy is a deep insult to every one of them,” Mrs Watson said.
“These comments are a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the Royal Commission being faced by the Catholic Church and other institutions that deal with children.
“Cardinal Pell must realise that he cannot solve these problems by insulting Australia’s hardworking truck drivers, who deliver the goods we use every day.”
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on 22-08-2014 12:46 PM
I'd put Pell and Dawkins in a room together for a few months.