on โ14-06-2013 04:35 PM
I REALLY dislike Pell.
but even more so now I find out he said this:
"abortion is a worse moral scandal than priests sexually abusing young people",
seriously, I mean really? just wtf. there is no comparison.
agree, or disagree?
I live for the day Pell comes unstuck and his little fat friar tuck buddy Bishop Fisher. my dog has more compassion than these people.
on โ14-06-2013 05:00 PM
Totally agree
on โ14-06-2013 05:09 PM
*waves to Rosie*
it makes me so mad that these people have a platform. it's bad enough the CC tells its flock condoms are intrinsically evil, but this is just beyond comprehension and how many impressionable young people attend WYD?
on โ14-06-2013 05:11 PM
Might not be long before the new missus caused a heart attack.
Whoops I got confused with the other one ๐
on โ14-06-2013 05:12 PM
Whoops I got confused with the other one ๐
I didnt know what you were talking about, so just left it lol
on โ14-06-2013 05:13 PM
I have seen him speak on tv shows and have heard people speak about him. He really is a nasty vindictive person.
on โ14-06-2013 05:14 PM
agree, or disagree?
Catholics believe life begins at conception therefore abortion is viewed as Pell said "destruction of human life" No surprises there on Pell's position.
Why on earth did he compare it with sexual abuse of children I have no idea. I think child sex abuse is the most heinous of crimes. No comparison IMO.
Still cant find anything that contains what he actually said.
The statement allegedly came in response to a question from a Kentucky youth minister, Greg Rickert, who had asked Dr Pell what Catholics should say when asked about the sex abuse crisis in the US Catholic church.
on โ14-06-2013 05:18 PM
Do you agree with the CC's position on condoms or abortions or homosexuals Eve?
on โ14-06-2013 05:19 PM
and, if you dont, why would you be a Catholic at all?
on โ14-06-2013 05:23 PM
I ask that nicely Eve. just curious because I don't understand people following a religion that doesn't represent their views. just the way it is?
on โ14-06-2013 05:24 PM
Here's where I have a problem with religion. People stop thinking for themselves.
If your only argument for doing anything comes from a book written in the stone ages by illiterate peasants I have no respect for you.