Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Following on from the Que Sera thread, now we're all growed up, the majority of us find ourselves in humdrum run-of-the-mill jobs that don't even vaguely resemble our childhood dreams.


If qualifications weren't an issue, what would be your dream job now? (A realistic job, not "I would like to sit on the beach all day sipping cocktails" - which of course I would, but can't see anyone paying me to do that)


I think my ultimate job would be designing and building enclosures for animals (e.g., like a really good animal education park in as natural an environment as possible), or an architect (designing enclosures for humans :^O).


Or I would love to set up and operate an animal sanctuary (maybe one day, but too poor for that now).

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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

While sipping cocktails on the beach would indeed be my first choice, I agree with your dream of an animal refuge.


My wife and I many years ago lived next door to a boarding kennel. It was a fantastically run place but when they sold it the new owner's adapted it took in strays and lost cats and dogs.


So cool to be able to do something like that and everyone in the street started donating blankets, food etc, we were never asked to, but just felt right to do it.


We would like to do a similar thing if ever money and time allowed us to.

Map out your future, But do it in pencil, The road ahead is as long as you make it.
Make it worth the trip.
Jon Bon Jovi
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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

I would love to do something like that as well but I'm afraid our body corporate wouldn't agree :O.

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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Masseur to Brad Pitt, or Imran Khan.


Message 4 of 23
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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Heir Hunter.....................I would love to be able to contact someone to tell them they have inherited millions from a long lost relative.

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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Do you live in Nigeria?


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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Community Member

I'll have to get you to do some ancestry research for me Flashie ๐Ÿ˜„

Message 7 of 23
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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

You could do that job, Flashie! 


I always wanted to be a criminologist, from reading Trixie Beldon and Agatha Christie books... but my parents said it wasn't suitable work. I'd still love to do that job. Maybe I'll study it before I retire and take it up as a hobby.

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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

Community Member

night and HDR photographer. Going all over the world chasing the best shot

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Re: Qualifications aside, what would be your dream job?

I'd like to be an archeologist.

Message 10 of 23
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