on 20-05-2013 09:20 AM
Following on from the Que Sera thread, now we're all growed up, the majority of us find ourselves in humdrum run-of-the-mill jobs that don't even vaguely resemble our childhood dreams.
If qualifications weren't an issue, what would be your dream job now? (A realistic job, not "I would like to sit on the beach all day sipping cocktails" - which of course I would, but can't see anyone paying me to do that)
I think my ultimate job would be designing and building enclosures for animals (e.g., like a really good animal education park in as natural an environment as possible), or an architect (designing enclosures for humans :^O).
Or I would love to set up and operate an animal sanctuary (maybe one day, but too poor for that now).
on 21-05-2013 09:26 PM
a photographer for National Geographic
on 21-05-2013 09:43 PM
Crystal, Clair made me do it :^O
Well she knows they are the Golden Children. 😄
on 21-05-2013 09:48 PM
Of course they are 😄