Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

What I mean is beyond paying your regular bills and mortgage do you put off doing things like O/S trips and stuff now thinking that with luck you'll have the money and good health to do it when you retire?  Thus making it a long term plan.


Or do you think "Well I am paying into Super with the share market the way it is etc I could retire with heaps or bugger all, there is only a certain amount of control I have over it so I may as well go O/S now and do the thing I'd like to do while I am healthy and have the money (or can save up the money for the trip)"

"Something wicked this way comes!"
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

Do it!  whilst your health is good and you are still young enough to enjoy it!  we went to Europe for our 25th wedding anniversary for just over six weeks, was fantastic, I probably wouldn't go again as it was an expensive trip but loved every minute of it.  We are now planning to buy a caravan next year and to travel around a bit, just take off for a week here or a couple of weeks there.  Who knows what's around the corner, seen many people go to soon or get ill so that it's not easy to travel.  Do it whilst you can IMO.

Message 11 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

I live in the present and dont plan to far ahead.............I've only started to do that after the number of hubby's aquaintances dying of cancer.

Message 12 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

So many of you seem to have seen other's experience the same thing I've seen.  People either dying before they get to do the things they'd like to do or becoming too sick to do them.

I know they say we are living longer but those who are living longer seem to be living with more illness.

I don't have a huge list of things I want to do but a few more cruises are definately on the list.  Love to cruise Canada & Alaska so we might need to save up for that one next. 


(((Hugs to you all)))

"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 13 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

@spotweldersfriend wrote:
I want to go to Brazil and meet the girl from Ipanema:-)

Are you sure?   She is 51 now and post-menopausal (not that there's anything wrong with that!)



Message 14 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

I think it sounds like you already know the answer.  Get out there and do what you want to.  You are obviously not reckless (having your house almost paid for at 45 is quite an achievement), so go ahead.


Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
Message 15 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

That's her polksaladallie.I want one just like her:-) To have and to hold.In sickness and in health.So long as we both shall live etc.
Message 16 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

If your house is nearly paid off and don't have a lot of debt then do it. My hubby likes to quote "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today".

I wouldn't have big holidays on credit though. Even going camping and stuff like that, do it, don't regret not doing it.

Message 17 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

Oh NO Roserobin ~ Wouldn't dream of having a holiday of any kind on credit.  If we can't pay cash for it we aren't going!


Spotwelder good luck with your search for the Girl from ? (I can't spell it)  lol


"Something wicked this way comes!"
Message 18 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

Maybe take it a bit slower until your youngest has finished school and house is paid for then go do what you want.


Things can happen very quickly that change your plans, waiting till you retire is too long, if the Gov get their way that wont be till your 70 and then you may end up paying for your own medical care or living exspences from your house equity and be controlled what you can even spend your own money on.



Message 19 of 24
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Re: Quest for over 40's Long term or Short term Plans?

LOL Hawke,  2 proper holidays in 25 years of marriage, how much slower do you think we should take it ๐Ÿ˜‰


We hope to get the house paid off by the time our almost 16 year old is finished school, so another 4 years or so.


"Something wicked this way comes!"
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