on 17-11-2014 09:35 PM
on 18-11-2014 12:31 PM
OMG... I don't walk under ladders so I doubt I'd be taking this bod under that rock!
on 18-11-2014 08:56 PM
Laney! A photo from you and what a ripper it is too. Where is that rock and is it a natural formation?
on 18-11-2014 08:57 PM
Dixo, I feel the same way about walking under tcm's rock but believe me, you wouldn't feel a thing LOL
on 18-11-2014 09:01 PM
j*oono - don't faint from shock!
It is a limestone wall above Bathers' Beach in Freo and the patterns just fascinated me. It is actually the lime mortar which is patterned between the limestone blocks and is the result of a natural process giving that liesegang-band weathering.
on 18-11-2014 09:04 PM
It is fascinating. Thanks Laney.
on 18-11-2014 10:01 PM
on 18-11-2014 10:08 PM
Hiya Laney,
Love that formation of rock, it's stunning! Great to see you. ♥
on 18-11-2014 10:53 PM
Hi Dixo and thanks - great to see you too. ♥
I love what you have been doing decoration wise in your new abode!
Have seen you 'around' but you know me - I don't venture far from home base very often lol
on 19-11-2014 11:03 PM
blardy hell, I really want to win. I have an idea for the next one. VOTE FOR ME, VOTE FOR ME.!!!! I'm surprised no one's called me out on where I took those photos from.
on 20-11-2014 12:50 AM
It looks like the Giant's causeway, Bob. It's a bit like the one on this page.