Round Table Revisited

And so Lord of the String said unto the peoples, "Go forth anew. Seek a land you can call your own."

The people saw it was good.

So, on the last day the people said their solemn goodbyes and began the long journey to the promised new land.

And so began the new land and its people were joyous!

Welcome, to the Return of the Round Table known as...

"Round Table Revisited" (RTR)
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Morning Freddie - well it still is here in the west Smiley Happy


Great news about Jessica Mauboy getting through to the finals - she certainly throws herself into the performance.  I do wonder though who chooses the wardrobe Smiley Surprised


Yvette Coppersmith's self portrait has been announced as the winner of the 2018 Archibald.  Now to check on the Salon des Refuses which is always fun.  Wish I was there to check it out myself.


Very sad news here in the west today - four children and three adults found dead this morning on a property in Osmington (just east of Margaret River) Smiley Sad


Everything else pales into insignificance ......

Message 27721 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Happy Mothers' Day to all our friends - Stringers or not - present, MIA or AWOL  Heart


You all know who you are Smiley Wink


Deb good luck to your Tigers today ..... keep up your winning ways and keep the top of the ladder warm Smiley LOL

Message 27722 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Hope everyone here had a great Mothers' Day... and Go Tigers!


it was a bit of a scrappy game that one Laney,  but a win.. so all good


next week we come up against the Weagles

Message 27723 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good result Deb but the Kangas were coming for your boys Smiley LOL


Next week will be 'interesting'.  


Hope you had a lovely Mothers' Day - bet you spent it en famille.


Disappointing for Jessica Mauboy and I cannot say I like the judge's choice for the winner.  Not a first world problem though.


Catch up through the week Smiley Happy

Message 27724 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good afternoon Friends Smiley Happy


Beautiful day here and the cooking bug which I have contracted has the house filled with delicious aromas.


Chicken soup for the soul currently simmering - the sage, ginger, garlic and coriander overlaying the chicken pieces in the stock is really mouth watering.


Thinking of friends going through an anxious time today ........


Was just reading an interesting article on the benefits of pomegranates as a health food.  Some of you might like to check this out:






Message 27725 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Interesting about the pommegranates Laney.. they do look as if they would be anti oxidants, but it's a shame I don't like them.. would much prefer your chicken soup, that sounds scrumptious..l especially in this cold weather.


hope everyone is well

Message 27726 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Well here thanks Deb Smiley Happy


It is not cold here yet but still the soup is already mouth watering.


Arrrrrrggggghhhhh I am so sick and tired of the negativity being exhibited in respect of the upcoming nuptials on Saturday - not only in newspapers but also by some radio hosts and on 'anti-social' media!  So many seem to be wishing failure on the couple almost as if they would like to see Harry and Meghan replicate their 'perhaps' unhappy personal circumstances.


As a Monarchist, I will be watching the ceremony with pleasure, laughing at all the ridiculous hats and wishing them a long and happy life together. 


For heavens sakes, there is enough pain and suffering in the world without having to manufacture more Smiley Mad


Down off my soapbox now Smiley LOL 

Message 27727 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

I'm not really much of a ""royalist".. but I do wish them happiness and good  luck


imo hers is a bit of a "Cinderella" story when you read about her family.. could they make her wedding any more difficult


I mean, really! Smiley Sad

Message 27728 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Good afternoon Friends ~~~~~~


Big weekend ahead Deb ........ the 'Wedding', our match against the Swans (very poor scheduling) and of course your big match over here on Sunday.  The remote is going to have a work out Smiley LOL


Beautiful day here 25-26-27 over the next few days!


Had some friends visiting Albany this week and my heart skipped a beat when I heard the news of someone falling from the Gap down there.  Fortunately for me, they had already left Albany yesterday morning but not so fortunate for the poor young man who slipped whilst trying to take a photograph and was killed.


It is the most amazing place and a new walkway overhanging the Gap enables visitors to get a bird's eye view - there are also many signs asking visitors to keep to the walkways and I just wonder how many languages they are in (I cannot remember).




Anyway Deb - all the best to your Tigers on Sunday.  Happy weekend to all whatever you are up to....

Message 27729 of 29,667
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Re: Round Table Revisited

Well that was an hour or so I won't get back!


What a toxic display ....... made me thankful I rarely posted elsewhere on here.  Mildly interesting to observe that, along with a change of name, true 'natures' emerge. Others - the misrepresentation of their nicknames is laughable.  Good to see that Stringers do not feel the need to change their nicknames Smiley Very Happy


Good on you Deb, Flashie and J!


Nics - a foregone conclusion for your boys match tomorrow.  Hope you and yours are keeping well ..... stay warm this winter girl!

Message 27730 of 29,667
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