on 27-07-2014 12:02 PM
on 27-07-2014 03:02 PM
If they ban Mickie D's...........we could see the second Russian Revolution..........Those Russkies luvs their Bolshoi Macs..........
on 27-07-2014 05:25 PM
on 27-07-2014 05:28 PM
lol. never let the facts get in the way of a good story they say.
Icy you should be a journalist. lol.
on 27-07-2014 05:59 PM
on 27-07-2014 06:00 PM
McDonalds is a non-government company, what have they to do with sanctions??????
on 27-07-2014 06:18 PM
... artistic licence? lol.
on 27-07-2014 06:23 PM
Nah, you are the one telling the "story", shame it wasn't exactly FACTUAL LOL
on 27-07-2014 06:26 PM
on 27-07-2014 07:21 PM
on 27-07-2014 07:26 PM