on 27-07-2014 12:02 PM
on 29-07-2014 07:15 AM
just as long as they do not stopexporting this "wonder product'
My Mrs could not live without it
on 29-07-2014 09:28 AM
No one here cares one bit if they boycott McD. They're mad...
Crimea River..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Bm0_zHbDJ-4
Looks like we're in a pickle now!
What's their Beef?
Lettuce be friends. 🙂
Warm Apple pie!
McDonalds is not meant to eat a lot of, the same with chocolate and ice cream. If anyone was stranded and starving, the thought of McAngus meal would be...*drools*.
I like them for their clean bathrooms and breakfast, otherwise I have to be really hungry and tired to eat that stuff.
Here's their first commercial....http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=O5D6_6sSM-8
on 29-07-2014 09:34 AM
on 29-07-2014 09:41 AM
All you have to do is watch the documentary 'Super Size Me' to realize that losing McDonald's is no big loss. They're probably doing their citizens a favor.
That guy (whose vegan chef girlfriend kinda dared him to) eat Maccas and only Maccas for a whole month or something like that. Everyday for a whole month.... He was understandably unwell after that, I mean of course he was, to not eat any fruit or vegetables for a whole month would make anyone unhealthy. That doco helped to eradicate the "super size" meals that Maccas used to offer. Thats a bit unfair imo. If someone wants to buy a super size meal that should be their perogative, It was a very unrealistic, biased doco imo.