on โ09-07-2014 01:59 PM
HI all,
havent been here for ages but wondering if anyone can stear me in the right direction for some info.
re - school lunch breaks
Is it compulsory for a school to give senior high school kids a lunch break?
The timetable is done in a way that not everyone gets a lunch break every day ---the only way to get all the subject choices in.
Sometimes classes are changed so that a lunch break suddenly disaapears
I'm sure this can t be right but cant find any info
--Its a private school, so Board of Ed sent me to Independant schools assocation- who cant possibly tell me anything:(
on โ10-07-2014 04:16 PM
Read through whole thread - um, confused....not sure what it is that is the exact problem. Some of the replies are confusing too LOL!