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Arnotts are changing the formula of Tim TamsUp till now they have used artificle colours and flavours but are now changing to natural ones. This includes changing the colouring for colour 120 ---which is cochineal (Colour 120), which is derived from ...
HI all,havent been here for ages but wondering if anyone can stear me in the right direction for some info. re - school lunch breaks Is it compulsory for a school to give senior high school kids a lunch break?The timetable is done in a way that not e...
Wondering if anyone can give me some info or suggest where to look. I have an HSC student who is having carpel tunnel, RSI etc hand issues. It is making typiing very painful or sometimes near impossible. I am looking for a voice activated typing prog...
Hi Wondering if anyone has any useful advice re wasps We have a metal, curved roof/awning on our verandah, and they seem to like to build their nests under it. It is very annoying to have to keep removing the nests. Does anyone know of a way to disco...