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Selling the Family Jewels

WestConnex cash set to flow to heavily locked down Sydney regions


The NSW government will invest the bulk of its pandemic recovery spending in western Sydney, diverting $5 billion from the sale of the WestConnex motorway to help suburbs that faced the harshest lockdown measures of the Delta outbreak.

With western Sydney to be the battleground in the 2023 state election, the government has established the WestInvest fund from the sale of the second stage of WestConnex.


The fund is set to form the cornerstone of the COVID-19 recovery plan.


The government on Monday confirmed a consortium led by tolling giant Transurban would take full ownership of WestConnex after successfully bidding $11.1 billion for the remaining share of the 33-kilometre motorway.


Opposition Leader Chris Minns said the decision by the government to privatise the remaining 49 per cent of WestConnex would hurt the people of western Sydney.


“The people who will pay for the broken promise to sell WestConnex are those who can least afford to pay,” he said.

“When it comes to already announced essential services and infrastructure for western Sydney, they should already be funded through the budget, not through some smoke and mirrors fund.” 


So she shuts down business for months and doles out taxpayers money to subsidise those she's put out of work and onto the street, now she's selling off what rightfully belongs to the Australian people because the state is broke but needs funds in and attempt to repair the damage done.

After she promised there'd be no further privatisations after the first stage was sold. 

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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

That'll be right! Run folks out of work, deny access to life saving early-stage drug treatment, push through an injection agenda that will be a $$$$$ mega money-maker $$$$$ 💰💸 for big pharma. And then to cover the damage by gross incompetence, sell off 💰💰💰 ( 💸💸😊???) a public asset to a mega corporation. Then give that mega corporation the probable power to dictate term💸$$$$$$$$$$ of travel to the tax payers who were treated abysmally.

Does Comrade Andrews 🇨🇳 have a sister in NSW?

Message 2 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

@4channel wrote:

Does Comrade Andrews 🇨🇳 have a sister in NSW?


why the need for name calling like this?  Does it make you feel smart?


(this from the guy that prattles on about bullies on the boards)

Message 3 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

@icyfroth wrote:


So she shuts down business for months and doles out taxpayers money to subsidise those she's put out of work and onto the street, now she's selling off what rightfully belongs to the Australian people because the state is broke but needs funds in and attempt to repair the damage done.

After she promised there'd be no further privatisations after the first stage was sold. 


Adamant that she wouldn't! Just another day in the life of a $$$$$ corporate serving $$$$$  politician as it appears to be.




September 21 2021 - 9:11AM
St George matters with Chris Minns: Privatisation of Westconnex takes its toll


With the sell-off of Westconnex, life just got a little harder for families in St George.


It is bad enough that some families are paying up to $6,000 a year in tolls. Now, instead of the toll revenue being reinvested back into the local community, it will be handed over to a private monopoly.


Tolls will continue increasing four per cent a year, more than double the long-term inflation rate, making Sydney the most tolled city in the world.


Transurban is now collecting $1.3 billion a year from Sydney motorists as part of Gladys Berejiklian's 'Tollmania'.


To read more please click on the below link



Berejiklian and Andrews are 2 variations of a theme . The driving beat 🥁 is their  disregard for the people they were elected? to represent bit certainly appears to be.

Message 4 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

I shudder to think about what she'll sell next.








Privatization carries on and on.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

From colourful crayon posts to cartoons. 😴

Message 6 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

The Leader
September 21 2021 - 9:11AM


St George matters with Chris Minns: Privatisation of Westconnex takes its toll


With the sell-off of Westconnex, life just got a little harder for families in St George.

It is bad enough that some families are paying up to $6,000 a year in tolls. Now, instead of the toll revenue being reinvested back into the local community, it will be handed over to a private monopoly.


Tolls will continue increasing four per cent a year, more than double the long-term inflation rate, making Sydney the most tolled city in the world.


More below


Sky News


NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns urges Gladys Berejiklian to accept ICAC verdict


The NSW Opposition leader has told Sky News in an exclusive interview Premier Gladys Berejiklian should respect the findings of ICAC as its investigation reportedly continues into her former lover, Daryl Maguire.


Andrew Clennell
Political Editor

September 26, 2021


Gladys Berejiklian should accept the verdict of ICAC, NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns has told Sky News amid speculation she may be subject to further inquiries over how she handled the scandal.


It comes as the Premier waits for a report on the inquiry into corruption allegations against her former lover, ex-Wagga MP Daryl Maguire.


"Obviously media reports suggest that there's a current ICAC investigation. Indeed, the public hearings from last year haven't been reported to the NSW parliament yet," Mr Minns said in an interview with Sunday Agenda.


"I just make the point that we've got a serious health emergency at the moment and notwithstanding the fact that there may be other inquiries or investigations taking place, it can't substitute from the government's priorities here and the priority must be to fight the pandemic and keep us safe as possible during these challenging months ahead."


But asked if the findings of ICAC had to be respected, Mr Minns said: "That has been the model in NSW since Nick Greiner stepped down at the behest of the Independents in NSW between 1991 and 1995 and it's a model that both parties have stood by religiously since that period". 


To read, please click on the link below






I hope car pooling can help

Message 7 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

@4channel wrote:

I shudder to think about what she'll sell next.








Privatization carries on and on.


I wonder who will be in the seat next and who will sell what?

Message 8 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

The ' Family Jewels ' - what else. 😴

Message 9 of 16
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Re: Selling the Family Jewels

so long as they don’t try to sell conspiracy theories

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