on 28-07-2014 04:13 PM
Can someone enlighten me please. Is it best to have just a Page where you get likes or a page under the business name where you can have 'Friends'. Does one work better than the other, are there pros and cons.
I have both but not sure how to work it? Its the way to go in his day and age, would appreciate any advice.
on 28-07-2014 04:50 PM
4T ... I think going for "Likes" is better ... some people might think that "Friends" are RL friends. Likes seem more professional IYKWIM.
When I had my FB business page active, it was separate from my personal page, but connected, so Friends could see my business page, and Like it, but I don't think customers could see my personal page. I liked having that divide.
on 28-07-2014 05:11 PM
Ive had a FB business page, and have a personal FB page.
the more likes you have on your business page the better. you then like their page back. and if it is a business people do 'shout outs'..where people can see you. and you do shout outs back.
hope that helps.
on 28-07-2014 06:10 PM
ahem!!! teeny, why do I not know this business page hmmm???? invite me to like it please?
And go for the likes, might not generate sales but does get your name out there
on 28-07-2014 06:11 PM
@ten*teeny*tiny*toes wrote:Can someone enlighten me please. Is it best to have just a Page where you get likes or a page under the business name where you can have 'Friends'. Does one work better than the other, are there pros and cons.
I have both but not sure how to work it? Its the way to go in his day and age, would appreciate any advice.
You need to have a business page of the like style. Friend pages are for individuals and facebook will shut down business pages posing as individuals.
on 28-07-2014 06:35 PM
I have my personal one and then two of the business ones. One a page (like style) and then another profile in the business name (with friends).
I did the page first then realised I couldn't be added to groups...so did the other one. I now find the friends one has its own 'ripples' and gets friend requests, seems to do its own work re advertising?
Chuk, I have no creative talent. Not a home business.
28-07-2014 06:37 PM - edited 28-07-2014 06:39 PM
well that depends. i agree with the others users that it will look more professional and creditible to have likes on a facebook page designed for your business, but it depends on what you decide to use facebook for and how you promote yourself on it. would you like to be known as a one-man business ? or would you like to market your self as an up and coming start up?
those are just my 2 cents
play around with this idea and see what happens. you dont really have anything to lose and it might actually be a good learning experinece.however i do recommened you take note of compeitors and get an idea of how to use social media as well doing some research into social media marketing
hope that helps
on 28-07-2014 06:42 PM
kiracage, it is an established business. We know that we need FB and social media, just not sure how to use it properly.
on 28-07-2014 06:47 PM
yes that is always the tricky part. but its also the most fun
28-07-2014 06:57 PM - edited 28-07-2014 07:00 PM