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Shorten To Face Music Today


Bill Shorten to front royal commission today over deals struck as leader of Australian Workers Union



The commission has been looking into questionable deals between trade unions and employers, some of which took place during Mr Shorten's tenure as head of the Victorian and national branches of the Australian Workers Union (AWU).


He is expected to face questions over deals struck with employers while he was the state secretary of the AWU between 1998 and 2006, including a deal that the commission was told saved a cleaning company $2 million a year but was detrimental to workers.


They included payments of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the union between 2005 and 2008 by construction giant Thiess John Holland, described variously as "donations" or "other receipts" in disclosures to regulators.


The commission heard other examples where invoices from the union were charged for "training" but in fact related to the payment of membership fees, a practice the commission heard was used to boost member numbers.


Entire Article Here


And this man aspires to become the Pime Minister?

Message 1 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@icyfroth wrote:

he'll probably plead "can't remember" or I was young and naive"

Why would he?  Nobody else did.

Message 21 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

And don't forget the Kathy Jackson thing as well. You known Abbott's and Pynee's "Joan of Arc" . I would have thought this type of union corruption would have been just what the TURC wanted to expose, but alas it was not.


BANKRUPT Kathy Jackson allegedly bought interior furnishings, boozy meals and PlayStation games with her Health Services Union credit cards.
THE union also says she paid for holidays and divorce proceedings with money from the cards. Ms Jackson, who declared bankruptcy late last month, is being sued by the HSU for upwards of $2.5 million.
She hasn't appeared in the Federal Court for the civil trial, in which the HSU alleges Ms Jackson misappropriated about $660,000 in union funds.

Barrister Mark Irving, acting for the HSU, on Wednesday scrutinised about $340,000 worth of Ms Jackson's work credit card spending, saying items such as staff gifts or a coffee with colleagues weren't reasonably union-related.

He outlined alleged purchases of more than $2000 for interior furnishings, a boozy group dinner at the Press Club restaurant in Melbourne totalling about $2200, videos and PlayStation games. Other food and liquor purchases "clearly show" Ms Jackson purchasing family groceries, Mr Irving alleged. Ms Jackson, the former HSU national secretary, set up the National Health Development Account in 2003.
The union says Ms Jackson used the account to hold union funds entirely under her control.Some money paid for holidays, and withdrawals on the account also appeared to match deposits into Ms Jackson's personal and mortgage accounts, Mr Irving told the court.He said some or all of about $100,000 withdrawn from the account was spent on Ms Jackson's divorce proceedings, court documents show.
The court heard Ms Jackson was earning $170,000 a year as national secretary and received a $63,000 honorarium from the union's Victorian branch, which the HSU wants back.
Mr Irving told the court Ms Jackson withdrew "vast wads" of union cash. He alleged she cashed cheques, gave branch committee of management members $100 each at meetings and pocketed the rest, despite saying the money was returned into a union kitty. Ms Jackson wrote to the court to say she could not afford to be represented at the trial and that the matter was now a claim against her estate.
She has denied any wrongdoing.

Message 22 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@tezza2844 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

And don't forget the Kathy Jackson thing as well. You known Abbott's and Pynee's "Joan of Arc" . I would have thought this type of union corruption would have been just what the TURC wanted to expose, but alas it was not.


BANKRUPT Kathy Jackson allegedly bought interior furnishings, boozy meals and PlayStation games with her Health Services Union credit cards.
THE union also says she paid for holidays and divorce proceedings with money from the cards. Ms Jackson, who declared bankruptcy late last month, is being sued by the HSU for upwards of $2.5 million.
She hasn't appeared in the Federal Court for the civil trial, in which the HSU alleges Ms Jackson misappropriated about $660,000 in union funds.

Barrister Mark Irving, acting for the HSU, on Wednesday scrutinised about $340,000 worth of Ms Jackson's work credit card spending, saying items such as staff gifts or a coffee with colleagues weren't reasonably union-related.

He outlined alleged purchases of more than $2000 for interior furnishings, a boozy group dinner at the Press Club restaurant in Melbourne totalling about $2200, videos and PlayStation games. Other food and liquor purchases "clearly show" Ms Jackson purchasing family groceries, Mr Irving alleged. Ms Jackson, the former HSU national secretary, set up the National Health Development Account in 2003.
The union says Ms Jackson used the account to hold union funds entirely under her control.Some money paid for holidays, and withdrawals on the account also appeared to match deposits into Ms Jackson's personal and mortgage accounts, Mr Irving told the court.He said some or all of about $100,000 withdrawn from the account was spent on Ms Jackson's divorce proceedings, court documents show.
The court heard Ms Jackson was earning $170,000 a year as national secretary and received a $63,000 honorarium from the union's Victorian branch, which the HSU wants back.
Mr Irving told the court Ms Jackson withdrew "vast wads" of union cash. He alleged she cashed cheques, gave branch committee of management members $100 each at meetings and pocketed the rest, despite saying the money was returned into a union kitty. Ms Jackson wrote to the court to say she could not afford to be represented at the trial and that the matter was now a claim against her estate.


"She has denied any wrongdoing".


Must be some sort of LNP thing.

Message 23 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@j*oono wrote:

@tezza2844 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

And don't forget the Kathy Jackson thing as well. You known Abbott's and Pynee's "Joan of Arc" . I would have thought this type of union corruption would have been just what the TURC wanted to expose, but alas it was not.


BANKRUPT Kathy Jackson allegedly bought interior furnishings, boozy meals and PlayStation games with her Health Services Union credit cards.
THE union also says she paid for holidays and divorce proceedings with money from the cards. Ms Jackson, who declared bankruptcy late last month, is being sued by the HSU for upwards of $2.5 million.
She hasn't appeared in the Federal Court for the civil trial, in which the HSU alleges Ms Jackson misappropriated about $660,000 in union funds.

Barrister Mark Irving, acting for the HSU, on Wednesday scrutinised about $340,000 worth of Ms Jackson's work credit card spending, saying items such as staff gifts or a coffee with colleagues weren't reasonably union-related.

He outlined alleged purchases of more than $2000 for interior furnishings, a boozy group dinner at the Press Club restaurant in Melbourne totalling about $2200, videos and PlayStation games. Other food and liquor purchases "clearly show" Ms Jackson purchasing family groceries, Mr Irving alleged. Ms Jackson, the former HSU national secretary, set up the National Health Development Account in 2003.
The union says Ms Jackson used the account to hold union funds entirely under her control.Some money paid for holidays, and withdrawals on the account also appeared to match deposits into Ms Jackson's personal and mortgage accounts, Mr Irving told the court.He said some or all of about $100,000 withdrawn from the account was spent on Ms Jackson's divorce proceedings, court documents show.
The court heard Ms Jackson was earning $170,000 a year as national secretary and received a $63,000 honorarium from the union's Victorian branch, which the HSU wants back.
Mr Irving told the court Ms Jackson withdrew "vast wads" of union cash. He alleged she cashed cheques, gave branch committee of management members $100 each at meetings and pocketed the rest, despite saying the money was returned into a union kitty. Ms Jackson wrote to the court to say she could not afford to be represented at the trial and that the matter was now a claim against her estate.


"She has denied any wrongdoing".


Must be some sort of LNP thing.

Is she aspiring to be Prime Minister of Australia?

Message 24 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

@tezza2844 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

@j*oono wrote:

Yes he does.  That's why more money is being thrown at yet another royal commission.  

Oh yes that's right. Ms Gillard, previous Labor Minister also aspired to be PM and even succeeded. For short term. She went through some Union related enquiry too didn't she? ACCC thingy, wasn't it?

And there was that Craig Thomson thing, too.


Must be some sort of ALP thing.

And don't forget the Kathy Jackson thing as well. You known Abbott's and Pynee's "Joan of Arc" . I would have thought this type of union corruption would have been just what the TURC wanted to expose, but alas it was not.


BANKRUPT Kathy Jackson allegedly bought interior furnishings, boozy meals and PlayStation games with her Health Services Union credit cards.
THE union also says she paid for holidays and divorce proceedings with money from the cards. Ms Jackson, who declared bankruptcy late last month, is being sued by the HSU for upwards of $2.5 million.
She hasn't appeared in the Federal Court for the civil trial, in which the HSU alleges Ms Jackson misappropriated about $660,000 in union funds.

Barrister Mark Irving, acting for the HSU, on Wednesday scrutinised about $340,000 worth of Ms Jackson's work credit card spending, saying items such as staff gifts or a coffee with colleagues weren't reasonably union-related.

He outlined alleged purchases of more than $2000 for interior furnishings, a boozy group dinner at the Press Club restaurant in Melbourne totalling about $2200, videos and PlayStation games. Other food and liquor purchases "clearly show" Ms Jackson purchasing family groceries, Mr Irving alleged. Ms Jackson, the former HSU national secretary, set up the National Health Development Account in 2003.
The union says Ms Jackson used the account to hold union funds entirely under her control.Some money paid for holidays, and withdrawals on the account also appeared to match deposits into Ms Jackson's personal and mortgage accounts, Mr Irving told the court.He said some or all of about $100,000 withdrawn from the account was spent on Ms Jackson's divorce proceedings, court documents show.
The court heard Ms Jackson was earning $170,000 a year as national secretary and received a $63,000 honorarium from the union's Victorian branch, which the HSU wants back.
Mr Irving told the court Ms Jackson withdrew "vast wads" of union cash. He alleged she cashed cheques, gave branch committee of management members $100 each at meetings and pocketed the rest, despite saying the money was returned into a union kitty. Ms Jackson wrote to the court to say she could not afford to be represented at the trial and that the matter was now a claim against her estate.


"She has denied any wrongdoing".


Must be some sort of LNP thing.

Is she aspiring to be Prime Minister of Australia?

No, I doubt very much she would be in her current situation, but silly me, there I was thinking that the TURC was a thingy about Trade Union corruption, influence and malpractice but icy thinks it's a selection process for PM.  However when every you compare Mr Stoljar aggressive questioning of Shorten (and Rudd and Gillard) and compare it to the apologetic questioning of Kathy Jackson, I do wonder what the real intentions of this Abbott Government RC is really about.

Message 25 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

@gleee58 wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

he'll probably plead "can't remember" or I was young and naive"

Why would he?  Nobody else did.


Message 26 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

Some of the waffler's past waffles: I don't remember what it was I said but whatever it was I said  I'm sure I agree with it.. what I said that


Bill now has the new moniker (the last one being Showbag Shorten, all show but nothing inside), to the new moniker "the gutless waffler"  hmmm. they both seem to suit him.


Watching the Labor party turning themselves inside out, trying to deflect in all manner of stupid analogies and even defending what most pundits are saying can't be defended.


A good question? where do the Labor party get these people from, they have a never ending supply of sleazy characters and we are now having to look at Dastayri's  witch hunts in  senate inquiries, Dastayari who was one of the faceless men who took down Rudd/then Gillard.


It's entertaining but that's not all, this person wants to be PM and that is scary under any circumstances. Back to the chaos, back to the mindless waste, back to the miles of red tape, back to the thousands of regulations, back to the deaths at sea, back to, well back to hell on wheels if they get back in.

Message 27 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

Even though there was no "smoking gun" established in the RC, Mr Shortens evasive manner and misdirecting answers, and the last minute declaration of the $40K donation from Unibilt made him look shifty and insincere.


His character was in question even before the RC.


Deb's right, future polls will be interesting, as will the next election.

Message 28 of 37
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Re: Shorten To Face Music Today

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