Should Grandparents Get Paid for Baby Sitting

Not for the odd day but for full time child care ?

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Re: Should Grandparents Get Paid for Baby Sitting

@*julia*2010 wrote:

are you talking about parents

covering outing costs for example

on top of babysitting fees?



OP - what is this topic about?

paying grandparents for their

babysitting service or the odd 

contribution for things like outings,

movie tickets etc.  


i see those as separate things. 


No, any costs associated with that came from the child care $ paid, (in my case) I was not required to do that but I wanted them to have the benefit of those normal everyday things, that their peers had access to.

Educational toys are expensive andthe amount of craft items we used per week was mind blowing, in my case, we didn't just let the children play while I watched tv etc.

Insurance? everyone has home insurance? don't they?

No tax implications for me.

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