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Resolved! CAPTION THIS # 21

Winner by kudos. Winner to choose pic for next one. Winner to choose day and time for finish. OK. Finishing Thursday 11/3 - 9pm - ish Have fun

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RIP Jon English

Australian performer Jon English has died, aged 66, due to complications from heart surgery. "Jon was not expecting anything more than a routine operation but due to complications unfortunately he passed away at almost midnight."

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Security ?????

Applying for a Security Licence Questionnaire. Question: When can you use a Firearm? Answer: When there is a fire. I'll look into the subject further following ABC 7.30 Report. I missed the beginning of the show. DEB

Will Mr Shorten 'out' himself?

Labor leader Bill Shorten slams Malcolm Turnbull, calling him “half **bleep**d” when it comes to equality [...] “You can’t be half **bleep**d when it comes to equality,” he said. “The old Malcolm Turnbull would have marched in the parade but the new ...

Blue Green Algae warning.

This affects most of the Murray River and other sections in Vicoria and NSW It thrives because of all the hot weather we are having

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Lurker calling Helen

Yes, we had a fantastic time thank you, although it was very cold in Paris. It actually snowed in the day we left. Strolling through a Paris cemetery in the snow - it was like some art house movie We have been busy since we got back. A week golfing o...

Is Joe Bullock a homophobe?

Mr Shorten tagged an opponent a homophobe for questioning the ALP's worship of same sex marriage. Should he now tag a fellow ALP member a homophobe? Senator Joe Bullock quits citing Labor's support for 'homosexual marriage'West Australian senator Joe...