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Forum Posts

Spam question

If someone sends an email to you from your own email addy, what does that mean? That they've presumably got hold of your password? It happens rarely but always comes with an attachment which of course I don't open. I use Yaloo Mail.

Moomba turned violent last night.....

Unpaid Coal Miners in China

Thousands of miners marched through the streets of a coal town in Heilongjiang in north-eastern China over unpaid wages. The protesters were employees at Shuangyashan Mine which is owned by the Longmay Group, the biggest state-owned coal mining group...

Resolved! Five Day Music Challenge. Theme is HEART

Ends Wednesday, March 16th at 8.00 p.m Sydney time.International posters can check the current local (Perth) time here: a song from YouTube (or another video site) which relates to the chosen theme via the s...

Resolved! CAPTION THIS 22

Winner by kudos. Winner to choose pic for next one. Winner to choose day and time for finish. Competition to finish Wednesday 16th 5pm Enjoy


Palestine loses claim to the holy land

Hiker finds rare gold coin in Israel Jerusalem (CNN)The shiny object was just sitting there in the grass, waiting to be found. It was a 2,000-year-old gold coin with the face of a Roman emperor, so rare that only one other such coin is known to exist...

Martin Bryant

Did anyone watch the show Sunday Night ?It was very interesting was a special on this creature ,featured his interviews with police in the months afterwards. I was surprised by how normal he seemed in terms of being able to answer questions ,somehow ...

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great idea - meat directly from the farmer

Not just that you get good quality meat, and the farmer makes more money, but it also means that the animals are slaughtered locally and do not suffer the stress of the journey to the abatoirs.

Junior Clubs of Yore

I have been going through some of my old books and came across my Junior RED CROSS Circle membership card. Dated May, 1964. Used as a bookmark. Pledge: As a member of Junior Red Cross I promise to serve;to work loyally for the promotion of Health and...