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Resolved! Hate doing laundry? Self cleaning clothes are the go

They're working on making doing the laundry an out-dated process People could soon be able to replace their washing machines with a little bit of sunshine, thanks to pioneering nanotechnology research being developed by RMIT University researchers. T...

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Turnbull rejects convention

Turnbull's only real option was bluff and bravado Boldness is the currency of Canberra and confidence is a substitute for the control MPs will never have. Enter Malcolm Turnbull and the double dissolution gamble he "had to take". Chris Berg writes. I...

How our agencies failed us

What weak fools pandered to the irrational demands of radical Muslim Man Monis in the years before he went berserk and laid siege to the Lindt café? If Australian authorities had done their jobs he would not have been in the country, or at least he w...

Resolved! Thankyou tel$tra..

Thankyou tel$tra for the outage today,Thankyou tel$tra for the outage early in the month,Thank you tel$tra for the outage before that one,Three nation wide outages within the space of a month,Thankyou tel$tra....

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Europe says "welcome"

‘Cologne is every day’: Europe’s rape epidemic GERMANY, Sweden and other European countries are facing growing public unrest amid a wave of reports of sexual assaults since the Cologne attacks. New York-based conservative think tank Gatestone Institu...

Resolved! 5 DAY MUSIC CHALLENGE...theme is...

...SUN / SUNNY / SUNSHINE. (Three choices - wider scope) ! Ends Monday, March 21st, at 8.00 p.m Sydney time.International posters can check the current local (Perth) time here: a song from YouTube (or anothe...

What will become of the feminists?

Safe Schools Coalition: sexual politics in the classroom A taxpayer-funded sexuality program that instructs 11-year-olds to role-play gay teenagers has been accused of crossing the line between education and advocacy in the classroom. The controversi...

D-D July 2

In one fell swoop, the Prime Minister has taken control of a sea of floating imponderables, transforming uncertainty into certainty. That certainty is that Australia will indeed have an early budget, will indeed have an early election, and will indee...

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Resolved! CAPTION THIS # 23

Winner by kudos. Winner to also pick day and time of judging to suit. Comp winner to choose new pic. Finishing Sunday 20th March 10pm - ish.................................Good luck, have fun

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Morph suits....

Im not sure what I think of these....Its in todays paper that the latest must have at the Sydney Easter Show is a "morph suit" .These are things that look like a slightly baggy spiderman costume but are in your favorite Rugby League team colours. The...

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Sunday Noises

Swarms of bikers in the light rain travelling along Wyong Road. Must have been 5 groups of 50 or so. Vroom, vroom, the noise seemed to be shaking the house. DEB

Resolved! Thank you Australia Post

Missed an eBay delivery yesterday. Big box. Thought am I going to get that home when I pick it up. This morning, the AP courier redelivered it with a couple of small things he had for today's delivery. so a very big thank you for AP...and ...