Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

in the Iraq war?


This is what a lot of people are saying and rightly so I guess.

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

We were talking about this at work the other day and the more we expanded on civilian deaths and living under those conditions the  reality of the horrors started to unerve us all. Someone offered a fairly simplistic and banal anology that strangely did make sense - It's like cops needing to get to a gunman in the city by shooting 20 innocent by-standers nearby.

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

Only this war? What about all the other wars where people / children have been killed?

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

If this is a proposal then I suggest we have an inquiry into all previous wars with the same agenda....WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnam.......well, where would we stop? The powers to be will always justify the reason behind each 'war' in the first place and the participants will usually do same.....otherwise everyone would have to admit that they have participated in, been party to and witnessed mass murder.

The nasty raw truth I'm afraid.

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

it's gods fault.


why on earth did he put the oil into the infidels lands?

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

I think an enquiry into why the US is involved in the Middle East and by association, Australia, would be more appropriate.

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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

Drone attacks and Pine Gap.Judicial enquiry please Tony.
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Re: Should we have an inquiry into people/children killed because of our involvement

I have always wondered why did Australians feel they need to get involved in WW1, WW2 was obvious - we were being attacked & threatened.  Korea & Vietnam were iffy, but Iraq was invaded totally under false pretences and both Bush & Blair knew it.  Whether they told Howard I would not want to be guessing.  I would like to see Bush&co and Blair facing international court though.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
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