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Forum Posts

Where is Tony?

Did you see the SMH's article over the weekend? Unanswered calls, closed speeches, question-less press conferences. This is how the Coalition governs.


WA set for Senate vote re-run

With the real likelihood that WA will have to go to the polls again to vote for the senate. Should they allow people or parties that didn't stand before to stand this time. ??

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Let me tell you

a bit about my life.My OH is away working. He's about 400km away from me and in the middle of nowhere (ok, walgett, same thing)The other week he was helping a mate locate a noise in his vehicle. My OH had his hand in the engine bay checking the fanbe...

Any frog lovers out there????

Does anyone have pet frogs???? My son just found a 3 legged frog in our yard...not in great shape. Not really sure what to do with it? I called it in drop dead fred...but of cause my munchkins are hoping thats not the case. We have it in an...

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Resolved! Blood Tests

My Doctor was requested a series of blood tests for me to have.........No big deal except getting blood out of me is like getting blood from a stone. 99% of the time I leave the pathology collect centre with lots of holes and feeling sore and sorry f...

Morning Glory..

.."I love you what can I say?"as your morning scent hits mewith the waking sun's first rays...I hold you tenderly...Your essence fills my mind,with thoughts of satisfied lust,of last nights heavenly grind...From your chalice I find a conduitto blissf...

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The Wedding

was fantastic! Absolutely beautiful!I'm so proud of my wonderful son and beautiful new daughter in law.

Narrow escapes

Have you ever had a close shave involving a famous disaster? For instance, the famous airbus crash that departed South America for France and ended up in the sea, no survivors. One woman who was late for the flight was interviewed about her relief. T...

One in 10 have had s*x while driving

New study reveals salacious details about what people have done in their car, and what others would like to do. A new online survey from the US has revealed some interesting trends on how much ‘living’ goes on in people’s cars – whether it be eating,...

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