on โ30-07-2013 04:34 PM
Can they possibly be more stupid?
Like, helloooooo? Knock, knock? Anybody home in that big round thing on the top of your neck? You're building up to an election and you decide that now (NOW??) is a good time to run with some shonky deal with a company who is profit driven and make that deal part of your 'policy' to build a tent city?
Seriously? As Julia Roberts would say "Big Mistake. Huge mistake!"
If Morrison was a public servant (I mean a real one) he would be sacked for taking that flight paid for by Toll.
on โ01-08-2013 11:47 PM
I'd like to know when it became the oppositions job to write to educators asking them to hold off on signing up for the education deal until the government changes.
on โ02-08-2013 10:39 AM
"...... Policy information (even from an Opposition govt) should come from the Minister responsible for that portfolio. Ever heard of a press release? That is generally how Ministers disseminate their information"
Hello, Morrison is the oopposition immigration spokesman and SHADOW minister. Opposition ministers also release information via selective briefings, controlled leaks, press conferences/ media interviews.
What exactly is "an Opposition govt" ?
INAM: "Secondly given that Morrison said (whilst on the island and in the care of Toll Holdings) that he would "immediately erect a 2000-person tent city under a Coalition government." it would seem clear that the 'contract' had already been promised."
He is in opposition, a shadow minister, and can say virtually what he desires (especially with an election in the offing) without a commitment, Gillard took it a step further with her famous announcement.
INAM: " whether Morrison is in govt or is in opposition, he is a public servant first. Therfore, he must declare all 'gift'. And yes, it is a 'gift' by government definition because it was free.
What nonsense INAM, MPs are not Public Servants, i.e subject to thePublic Service Act 1999, and considering there is a fair time left for Morrison to declare his "gift" what is your point?