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Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

DD meaning a Double Dissolution

Not sure about IF this will happen.....can it happen? if so when?


Message 1 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

bsal6160 wrote:
Everyone had their chance at the last election. The majority won, so we all just need to live with it until the next election when you get a chance to vote again.

Voters remorse time now. Tony Abbott was the one threatening the nation with a double dissolution.
Message 21 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

LOL, icy,  still going with the viola, I see                lmao smiley.gif

Message 22 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

@mugssy65 wrote:
I was going to tell you it's 1 cup size bigger than a D, 1 smaller than an E and more than a handful!!

ah,you read the bra tales,i see! lolol! 

taste my religion! nibble a witch! ๐Ÿ˜„
Message 23 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?


Another broken promise.


Or a coward.



Oh yeah?

Message 24 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

I don't now what happens if they can't get the budget through the senate Paints, but as Am said it was Abbott who wa threatening to call a DD. I think it's highly unlikely he would as he knows he would lose &  there was a recent poll done saying something like 94% of those polled support a DD

Message 25 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

@imastawka wrote:

LOL, icy,  still going with the viola, I see                lmao smiley.gif



says it all, stawks.

Message 26 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

@shepherdsrule wrote:

But a DD can be called from someone other than the PM surely? Otherwise, what is the point?.


ie: If someone in your family had been found 'not of sound mind' or similar, you could apply for Power of Attorney to protect assets etc, on behalf of said peerson,  why not something like that in govt.? A vote of no-confidence or something?

Like I say, political dummy here, but surely someone can step in and put things on hold until the governing morons get a grip on reality or better still, a replacement with a brain is nominated.

Well, the LNP can always replace it's leader, but who would you want there instead?  JB or Hockey?


Voltaire: โ€œThose Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocitiesโ€ .
Message 27 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

A double dissolution is a procedure permitted under theAustralian Constiyution to resolve deadlocks between the House Of  Representartves and the Senate. If the conditions are satisfied (called a trigger), the government of the day can request the Governor General to dissolve both houses of parliament and call a full election. If after the election the legislation is still not passed by the two houses, then a joint sitting of the two houses of parliament can be called to vote on the legislation. If the legislation is passed by the joint sitting, then the legislation is deemed to have passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate. A double dissolution is the only circumstance in which the entire Senate can be dissolved.



Message 28 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

just another lie from the abbott,  below is just a small(ish) sample of the abbott before he was pm, calling for a new election almost daily - number 6 is my fave.



Tony Abbott doesnโ€™t want another election


So from the good olโ€™ days when Tony Abbott wasnโ€™t the Prime Minister:

  1. Feb 26, 2011: Tony Abbott calls for election on carbon tax.
  2. March 9, 2011: From the Liberal Party website, Tony Abbott wants an election.
  3. March 18, 2011: Abbott mocks Labor over ties to climate โ€˜extremistsโ€™ (and wants another election).
  4. March 23, 2011: Abbott calls for new election on carbon tax.
  5. May 11, 2011: Joe Hockey says Coalition will try to force early election (surprise, surprise).
  6. May 12, 2011: Budget lacks legitimacy and integrity: Tony Abbott (and he demands an election).
  7. May 15, 2011: On ABC Insiders Abbott calls for an election.
  8. May 16, 2011: On Tony Abbottโ€™s own web page . . . he calls for an election.
  9. May 30, 2011: Julia Gillard listens to actors but not voters on carbon tax, says Tony Abbott (who wants an election).
  10. May 30, 2011: Tony Abbott, Greg Hunt say Julia Gillard should go to election, avoid carbon tax ad campaign.
  11. June 6, 2011: Tony Abbott says PM doesnโ€™t have mandate to introduce carbon tax (plus he wants an election).
  12. June 12, 2011: From the Liberal Party website, Tony Abbott wants an election.
  13. June 20, 2011: Abbott calls for peopleโ€™s vote on carbon tax.
  14. June 30, 2011: Tony Abbott calls for an immediate election after โ€˜the experiment that failedโ€™ (referring to a minority government).
  15. July 2, 2011: Abbott interviewed in Port Lincoln. He calls for an election.
  16. July 11, 2011: Pollution tax wonโ€™t cut emissions: Abbott (and he calls for an election).
  17. July 13, 2011: Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott face angry public in carbon tax pitch to the nation (and Abbott calls for an election).
  18. July 17, 2011: From the Liberal Party website, Tony Abbott wants an election.
  19. Aug 16, 2011: Tony Abbott joins carbon tax rally to call for fresh election.
  20. Sept 4, 2011: Abbott calls for election as PM digs in on leadership.
  21. Oct 13, 2011: Scott Morrison calls for an election because of the blocked Malaysia deal.
  22. Oct 16, 2011: A big week in politics (and Abbott wants an election).
  23. Nov 2, 2011: Abbott renews call for election on migration policy.
  24. Jan 24, 2012: Opposition frontbencher Christopher Pyne is urging Prime Minister Julia Gillard to call a federal election.
  25. Feb 3, 2012: Hereโ€™s something different: Joe Hockey says that Rudd will be the new PM and heโ€™ll call an election.
  26. Feb 23, 2012: Opposition leader Tony Abbott says an election is the best way out of Labor leadership debacle.
  27. Feb 23, 2012: Abbott to call election if government falls. **bleep**!
  28. Feb 27, 2012: Vote a stay of execution for Julia Gillard, says Tony Abbott (and calls for an election).
  29. Feb 28, 2012: End of distraction praised as Abbott calls for election.
  30. April 23, 2012: Government pressured (by Christopher Pyne) to call election after Slipper steps aside as Speaker.
  31. April 30, 2012: Abbott pressures independents over Thomson affair (and calls for an election).
  32. May 25, 2012: In an interview with Neil Mitchell Joe Hockey says the people want an election (in other words, hedoes).
  33. June 21, 2012: In an interview on 2GB Scott Morrison calls for an election.
  34. July 16, 2012: Just had to put this one in. In reference to the Libโ€™s IR policy Hockey had this to say: We will release it well before the next election. The next election is scheduled for the 2nd half of next year. If we followed the lead of the Labor Party, we would be releasing our policy in the second half of next year. (But I thought they wanted an election now).
  35. July 17, 2012: Opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne has laid out plans to move under-performing teachers out of the profession as part of its education policy (and calls for an election).
  36. July 18, 2012: Joe Hockey wants another Labor leadership spill or else they should call an election.
  37. July 20, 2012: According to Pyne, the Slipper scandal was yet another reason why the government should call an election.
  38. July 21, 2012: โ€œIf this Government cannot solve the crisis at our borders then they should call an electionโ€ (Michael Keenan, Shadow Minister for Justice, Customs and Border Protection).



Message 29 of 62
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Re: Someone Please explain DD will there what when if?

If TA refuses to call a DD then he will have to keep his head and butt down til the next election - before he gets thrown out for good.

He won't be welcome anywhere in Australia ever again I wouldn't think. Well, maybe at the neolibs party HQ that's about it.

Message 30 of 62
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