on 10-06-2013 12:50 PM
on 10-06-2013 01:39 PM
on 10-06-2013 01:58 PM
indispensable to a good Irish stew....then again
theres only so many stews you can eat in a winter.
on 10-06-2013 02:19 PM
roast them, like potatoes - yum
on 10-06-2013 02:23 PM
why do you have so many?
on 10-06-2013 02:44 PM
Why iz the OP annoyed ? Some people are so hard 2 please.
on 10-06-2013 02:54 PM
why do you have so many?
Cause I chucked seeds down and they all took.
on 10-06-2013 03:08 PM
Good winter crop for sheep.
I don't like them (parents grew them on the farm) so got no sensible ideas.
on 10-06-2013 03:54 PM
I'm not keen on them either, but I also think roasted like potatoes.
some funny posts here :^O Abba :^O
on 10-06-2013 03:59 PM
Mumma mia, here we go again.....
on 10-06-2013 04:03 PM
soups and stews, I guess you can freeze them
martini I will swap you some of them for artichokes