on 16-02-2013 07:28 PM
Does anyone have any of these systems?
I want it primarily for watching DVDs - our nearest DVD rental store is a 30 minute drive away, and a pain to have to return the next day. I've been using Quickflix, but also a pain having to get them to the post office (another 30 minute drive each way) to return them.
So it looks like these three systems (T-Box, Tivo, Apple TV) will stream movies direct to your TV. I'd be grateful for any reviews if anyone uses any of these systems.
on 16-02-2013 07:38 PM
Who is your ISP. I noticed the other day internode have unmetered content for TiVo. Hubs looked into it briefly but decided we hardly watch movies.
on 16-02-2013 07:51 PM
We are with Bigpond and we have a T-box.
It works fairly well and because Bigpond Movies is unmetered content for Bigpond customers we don't have to worry about bandwidth. We also access some Foxtel channels with it.
The only downside to ours is that we lost the remote (it's very small) but Hubby had anticipated this and our universal remote operates it too.
on 16-02-2013 08:41 PM
I am with Westnet and we have FetchTV... I love it.. I get all of of my movies via instant download.
on 16-02-2013 09:07 PM
I have T Box, we did the free movie subscription for 6 weeks and since then haven't paid for another movie we instead watch them through you tube. We do have a fairly generous download limit though. I'm amazed at the movies we've found.
on 16-02-2013 10:46 PM
Tivo is no longer available in australia to new customers
on 17-02-2013 11:07 AM
Thanks so much everyone, for your input, it's really appreciated. I'm with Bigpond, so I guess it makes sense to go with the t-box and get the downloads unmetered. I'll have to weigh up if it's worthwhile, we only watch movies on a Saturday night, so it may not be worth it just for that.
on 17-02-2013 11:53 AM
You would need to make sure your connection is up to it as well. Some people returned their Tbox because their BB is not good enough.
on 17-02-2013 12:39 PM
You can....and its really a lot of trouble...
Buy apple tv......(or if you buy a macbook ask for it free)
If you have a friend in the US, buy a US itunes card and use their home address for your account.
Enjoy cheap movies a month or two earlier than Australia and stream them through apple TV to your lounge.
Back it all up on a cheap portabe drive .
on 17-02-2013 06:02 PM
You can....and its really a lot of trouble...
Buy apple tv......(or if you buy a macbook ask for it free)
If you have a friend in the US, buy a US itunes card and use their home address for your account.
Enjoy cheap movies a month or two earlier than Australia and stream them through apple TV to your lounge.
Back it all up on a cheap portabe drive .
I've bought a US I-tunes card before (online) and have a US I-tunes account (as well as an AUS I-tunes account), but wouldn't the machine be somehow registered to Australia so you wouldn't be able to use the US account with it?
If I can watch the US programs on the Apple TV then for sure I'll grab that one.