on 30-04-2015 03:38 PM
on 30-04-2015 03:40 PM
No not dangerous, you just get a cat or a dog and pretend you are talking to them 🙂
on 30-04-2015 03:43 PM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:Do you know anyone who constantly talks to themselves? Is it serious?
Just as well I replied, Rabbit - otherwise, you'd be talking to yourself!
And I think that most of us talk to ourselves at times. It sometines helps to clarify thoughts and ideas before implementing them, and in my case, I find I have very complementary conversations!!
on 30-04-2015 04:19 PM
I once heard someone say "I always talk to myself, it works well because I always know what I am going to say next, therefore, there is never an argument" .....
on 30-04-2015 06:06 PM
on 30-04-2015 06:09 PM
I talk to myself all the time. I know it drives people crazy but it works for me. Talking to myself helps me process and sort my thoughts.
In fact in our office there are a few architects and designers that do constant self talk. Maybe it's a creative thing?
Is it serious? I hope not lol!
on 30-04-2015 06:14 PM
Once I even called myself a silly Batch, then myself and I had a good laugh 🙂
on 30-04-2015 06:46 PM
When I paint, I tend to mutter to myself whenever I mess up a line or a shading or a colour that was just right. When I used to be a writer, I used to read my drafts to my dog who usually just went to sleep. lol.
I often think that people are speaking to themselves only to find that they are using hands-free.
When I was in a psych hospital, there were other patients who spoke to themselves frequently.
So,I suppose there are lots of reasons why people speak to themselves,
on 30-04-2015 06:58 PM
on 30-04-2015 06:59 PM