The Federal 2013 Election Thread

Hey everyone...

So, we all know theres an election coming up!

September the 14th is the big day. Like mentioned, plenty of time for us all to plan for that date.

Also means its going to be a looooooong campaign.

For the peace of the board, so everything else doesnt get pushed down by debates on policies and dirt and gossip (and digs at each other personally) etc, can we at all perhaps try to contain as much as we can in a thread much like this?

Theres bound to be plenty of healthy debate (particularly by a few members well known for their strong stance and support for a certain party) and its always easier to follow it etc in one place.

Should be an interesting year ahead! I know I for one am looking forward to it!

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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

It doesn't matter who she tries to look like, she isn't as articulate as Rudd who would most definitely wipe the floor with Blabbott in a heart beat. 


Seriously...the guy was John Howards Toe Cutter as was Slow Shockey.   Is that the best the LNP can do these days?   Why did they bounce the only credible leader amongst them? 


Pollies annoy me these days....they're so boring. 


We need someone like Max Gillies to extract the urine as it was done back then.  He was a master. 

Message 11 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

Cheap shot cat, not really worthy of you.  Apparently she normally wears contact lenses, and yes these are a new pair of glasses. 


Cheap shot???? 


I have never ever seen her in glasses before.. ever... 


I even searched through lots of pics and could not find one that was not a set of safety glasses.... 


I am curious why she goes for this HUGE change in appearance. 

Message 12 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

You are right Lurker.

It (the switch from contact lenses) made news in The Daily Telegraph 

Message 13 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread


Cheap shot???? 


I have never ever seen her in glasses before.. ever... 


I even searched through lots of pics and could not find one that was not a set of safety glasses.... 


I am curious why she goes for this HUGE change in appearance. 


She wears them in some of the online forums

Message 14 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

We should play guess how many threads by the end of the day about the election  :^O

Message 15 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

Its the new new new and newer Julia re-invented again and again and again  in glass's this time.


As she normally wears contacts maybe some focus group has come up with the idea that the glass's make her look more trustworthy and change her image and her shifty eyes dont appear so close together in glass's 



Was it the same focus-group who advised mr abbott to cease his reptilian lip-licking ? because someone did.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 16 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

sore eyes... contact irritation.... lost one... waiting for new ones.... any number of reasons

Message 17 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

I find it astounding that the posts from Liberal supporters on here have all been personal attacks on the appearance of the Prime Minister.



Message 18 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

actually it is not a cheap shot or a personal attack... it is a fact that all sides of the political divide alter their appearance to garner more votes... 


I didn't comment on what I thought she looked like.. now that would have been personal. 


I am wondering why she chose that look... I have never seen her in them before... 


it is an honest answer...


Thanks Az... I don't wear contact... I have no idea what happens when you do. I believe she has been doing a chopper run around QLD today so maybe that is why her eyes were dry and she chose glasses... 



Message 19 of 117
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The Federal 2013 Election Thread

The media has set the standard Yoda, theyr'e bottom feeders who think it's news and everything of any substance is just trivia.


Think back to when ALP increased the tax free threshold to $18,000.  That was a MAJOR win for low wage earners and yet it got no coverage worth noting.  I wonder if Stony Blabbott intends to role that back too?   What a guy.


We need honest reporting, not sensationalist garbage.  Crikey, If I hear another slogan I'll scream.....who wouldn't?  LNP is nothing but slogans these days....stop the boats, stop the taxes....hey stop the BS is what I'd like to tell Mr.Stony Blabbott. 


& if we're gonna talk about appearances...budgie smugglers?...seriously?

Message 20 of 117
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