on 23-02-2014 11:56 AM
The class wars & sexist wars Labor waged to take the spotlight off their failings have now reaped what they sowed. A country riven by division & hate all at the hand of Mr Rudd & Miss Gillard & her supporters.
From the very first minute the new Abbott government was elected the disappointed started with their T Shirts emblazoned with hate speech & filth.
The new government received no honeymoon from the media unlike the nearly 2 years of Rudd dysfunction then the total failure of Miss Gillard. All they concentrated on was Abbott's unpopularity which in the end, brought Labor down because in their conceit they never saw the train coming.
Labor has abrogated any responsibility for their loss, they have conducted no introspection as to why they failed so comprehensively & now we are witness to Mr Shorten clinging onto the very failed policies that saw them routed.
What a sorry mess.
on 23-02-2014 08:11 PM
what if the swine are casting the pearls these pearls are costume. plastic beads in fact. slogans all the way !
on 23-02-2014 08:36 PM
on 23-02-2014 08:40 PM
Who could "hate" the Prime Minister for Unemployment - Tony Abbott, that would be cruel, in my opinion.
on 23-02-2014 08:41 PM
@windrake wrote:Where's the other posters from the conservative side?? I've noticed the absence of 2 or maybe 3. What???? mission accomplished eh?
I think they'd be flattering themselves if they believed it was their foray onto the eBay boards that won the election, but if it boosts their egos to believe that then I guess it would be mean to diillusion them.
on 23-02-2014 08:54 PM
One hero who has come on here with a vengeance. Wonder where she was when Labor was in power? No Labor warrior then? No stomach for the lost cause? no defence for your comrades?
on 23-02-2014 09:04 PM
@lakeland27 wrote:what if the swine are casting the pearls
these pearls are costume. plastic beads in fact. slogans all the way !
well there has certainly been a failure if the LNP thought they could turn abbott into a silk purse.
on 23-02-2014 09:16 PM
on 23-02-2014 09:33 PM
@just_me_karen wrote:
I'm going out on a limb to suggest Tony will NEVER be offered a job at Harvard.
If you read Kevin Rudd's bio on the Harvard Uni site, you'll see with 100% certainty that tony abbott simply doesn't make the grade.
He'll end up on boards like the IPA
I'm sure they have service staff, no offence meant to anyone working in the service industry.
on 23-02-2014 09:34 PM
I wonder how long he'll last before he gets found out for the psychopathic narcissist he is.
on 23-02-2014 09:38 PM