on 08-01-2013 04:38 PM
NSW Far South Coast. What a relief. It must have dropped at lease 10 degrees.
Perfect timing too. We had just gone to the beach for a swim to cool off and then it happened just as we were having a coldy in the backyard.
Now if could just manage some rain to stop the fires that would be great thanks 🙂
on 08-01-2013 05:08 PM
i dont know how the tennis players can stand it....Apia International at Homebush today..
on 08-01-2013 08:33 PM
still over 38° :_|
on 08-01-2013 08:41 PM
Just started to rain here in The Dandenongs in Melbourne & so much cooler.
on 08-01-2013 08:55 PM
Still in the 30s here....no rain in sight but thankfully no fires either, so I count myself as being very fortunate
on 08-01-2013 10:27 PM
Just hit us here ! I can breathe again.
on 09-01-2013 03:15 AM
on 09-01-2013 03:17 AM
on 09-01-2013 06:53 AM
A very cold 0˚ down in southern Tasmania this morning and we are expecting a high of 15˚ today... talk about see-sawing weather... isn't this what we have been warned about for years - the climate change?
More heat on the way in a couple of day... 😞