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The gender card again...

Sorry to interrupt your no politics idea  but I still find the subject important and want to rant... 


How dare Gillard make abortion an election issue... There is no way that is acceptable and to even suggest that the Coalition will remove your right to one is scare mongering to the max. 


In this modern day time it is incredibly important that we don't use these topics to inflame a false war. 


Even if a person in any party did not like the idea of abortion there is no way that they would get the support to make it illegal. Or limit your access to one... or even make you feel bad for having one. 


So if Gillard wants to launch a campaign called "Labor Women for Gillard" then fine... but don't pull out the gender card and make something out of nothing.. 


And personally I find it sexist to have a women's only group calling for women to support Gillard. 


I have two sons and I also want their future to be positive and not forgotten but it seems that this PM only want to think of the future of women. 

Message 1 of 186
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185 REPLIES 185

The gender card again...

If I were a swinging voter this would do it for me, to do this stunt and not support gay marriage is just incredible.


No Donna, it's just the tactic deployed again. The tactic which selects the most contentious sentence from a speech and creates a story to fit.  There was nothing wrong with saying that in a speech. The wrong is in that being reported as the keynote of the speech.


Anyone going to/webcasting digiconau tomorrow?


Cat, what is your problem with Labor Women?  There is nothing wrong with proactive support for women in politics.  For how many years was it a men's domain? 

What is so wrong with redressing the balance, after all women are roughly half the population.


You seem to like the concept of "men rule".

Message 11 of 186
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The gender card again...

They have been vocal opponents and would outlaw abortion as soon as the chance arrived. 


what rubbish.... 


no one will ever be allowed to remove that right... 


And people can have an opinion without making that their political agenda. 



Message 12 of 186
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The gender card again...

Community Member

If I were a swinging voter this would do it for me, to do this stunt and not support gay marriage is just incredible.


I agree Cat, it is very poor form.



I am going to have to finally say I agree with you on this one ms Donna (yes its a first) this is as low as you can go from gillard and so far all my friends (female) have said that this is a huge turn off for them and they are angry by this insult from gillard... I am fuming as to me as well this is simply an insult from gillard.... 


This is not going to end well for Gillard and will be yet another major failure for her. 



Julia Gillard to launch campaign based on Women for Obama


(The comments on the above story are NOT pretty)


All this desperate woman (gillard) does is LIE and LIE and LIE and get more and more desperate by the day


Women 'banished' under a Coalition government, Julia Gillard claims


JULIA Gillard has played the gender card as she fights for electoral survival, warning the Coalition's "men in blue ties" would marginalise female politicians and treat abortion as a political plaything.


Addressing the launch of Labor's Women for Gillard campaign in Sydney, the Prime Minister said women would “once again (be) banished from the centre of Australia's political life” under a government led by Tony Abbott.


“Australian women need a voice ... that voice is Labor,” Ms Gillard said.


A crowd of about 100 people turned out to see the PM rally her female support base and launch a stinging attack on the Coalition's leadership team, without mentioning Mr Abbott's deputy leader Julie Bishop.



Message 13 of 186
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The gender card again...

“We don't want to live in an Australia where abortion again becomes the political plaything of men who think they know better,” Ms Gillard said.




really??? this is such a cheap shot... 


and the women that think this is a viable argument are just as useless. 




You can speak for yourself but I do not want to live in Australia with any of those men sticking their opinions into women's health. 


Have you read anything they've said about abortion?

She didn't just bring it up. It's being a raging argument for ages.

We are subject to anti abortion advertising on TV every week.

Message 14 of 186
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The gender card again...

But she is an Atheist and doesn't believe in Gay marriage?


I think she is playing her cards wrong, I realize they have taken this one line out of her speech but nevertheless it is getting the coverage.

Message 15 of 186
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The gender card again...

They have been vocal opponents and would outlaw abortion as soon as the chance arrived. 


what rubbish.... 


no one will ever be allowed to remove that right... 


And people can have an opinion without making that their political agenda. 




Are you dreaming?

This argument has been going on around here for months.

There was and is a campaign happening right now to criminalise abortion.

Is it legal in your state?

Message 16 of 186
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The gender card again...

I have no problem with women in politics.. I admire a lot of women in politics. 


I hate that it has been used as a weapon against a person... it is disgusting to use gender like that. 


It should not be about the gender of a person, it should be about the person's abilities. 


Nova Peris Kneebone has said she does not even have an idea of what she her platform is yet.. the only reason she was picked was her gender and her race... another way to divide the population. 


If they wanted an indigenous Senator they  had an amazing person that had been neglected by the Labor Party... Warren Mundine would have been an amazing person to have in the Labor party... but he was not female... 

Message 17 of 186
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The gender card again...

Community Member

What is so wrong with redressing the balance, after all women are roughly half the population.


gee women in politics..... Great track record we have... NOT....   Nothing but failures from everyone on them who were put in charge..


If that lying woman gillard supports more women in politics why is she supporting David Feeney  for the vacant seat over the EMILY's List members pick?   The gillard hand bag hit squad's pick? 







Message 18 of 186
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The gender card again...

Have you read anything they've said about abortion?


Please show me where they have said they will remove the right to have an abortion? 


And where has this been a raging argument? 


I have not seen any anti abortion advertising... maybe it is only in big cities... but can you please show me where the Liberal party have released any anti abortion adverts.. I am yet to see them. 

Message 19 of 186
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The gender card again...

People seem to think abortion on demand is legal.

It is NOT.

Did you know that doctors CAN be prosecuted for aborting a foetus?

Did you know that women do NOT have the right to just decide to have an abortion without reason?


Did you know that it is an absolute LIE to accuse women of using abortion as a contraceptive?


Wow, look at how they've used this against the PM.

And who is surprised that Cat was just busting her guts to get in here and start a thread of outrage over it.


Message 20 of 186
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