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The terror raids have begun!

Looks huge on the news.....interesting that a neighbour has stated that she knew the guy for many years and he seemed ordinary, now you wouldn't expect them to walk around with a sign would you lol

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Re: The terror raids have begun!

There are Muslim families in my suburb that kept their children home from school today and are too scared to leave the house.

Message 151 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

@azureline** wrote:

There are Muslim families in my suburb that kept their children home from school today and are too scared to leave the house.

Funny you should mention that.


I have just spent a very eye opening evening with my muslim neighbours acoss the road and they were saying the same thing. 


There were 5 women and they were talking about how scared they are to leave the house, can't go grocery shopping, can't even walk down the street. One of them was saying that even when someone cuts her off when she is driving, she immediately feels it is because that driver is thinking she is muslim and deserves to be cut off. And all of them were saying that they felt like every person they pass in the street or in the shops is staring at them and wondering if they are terrorists. And we live in a strong muslim community!


More worryingly are their fears for their children. My neighbour has a 19 year old son and she was saying how all he talks about is how much he hates the government now and how much anger he feels about being smeared a terrorist. While we were inside, he was outside with a group of mates carrying on about it. On my way out I asked if he was going out later, being Friday night and all, and he said "Where can I go now? It's not safe".


I walked away thinking how easy we have made it for those inclined to prey on someone like my neighbours son - a second generation Australian-Muslim boy from a loving, well educated family who tonight was a  seething, paranoid, distrustful young man.


I think Australia has opened the floodgates with our actions in the last week.

Message 152 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

It's frightening isn't it.  Be alert, not alarmed and then alarm everyone to think that their Muslim neighbours might be suspect.  Tony Abbott is doing much harm to this country.  I am so upset about this raid and I think it was a set up.

Message 153 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

How sad for young Australians.

Message 154 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

I would like to see those arrested/ charged rounded up with their families and deported and made an example of.


Before or after they've been proven guilty?

Message 155 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

@karliandjacko wrote:

How sad for young Australians.

I think it is sad for all Australians.


It is even making me paranoid. Paranoid enough to sit in the last carriage of the train this week because I figure if you are going to bomb a train, you would bomb the first carriage right?


Now I am a fairly level headed, intelligent, positve thinking person that doesn't believe all the hype, have a good understanding of the mayhem of politics and have a liking for my muslim countrymen.. So if I am paranoid, I can only imagine what the average person must be feeling.

Message 156 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

The other thing that is sad is that in all the years I have known my neighbours, we have never talked seriously about politics. just the usual - kids, food, family. Quite frankly I don't think they are particularly interested.


But for the last 2 visits, all we have talked about is politics.


If those same discussions are happening in other normal, average muslim families across the country can you imagine what the discussions are heading in more politically astute families?

Message 157 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

Personally I believe they should be tried for treason , as there alleged crimes are against the sovereignty of this nation
Message 158 of 443
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Re: The terror raids have begun!

These tweets keep getting deleted or removed.


I have had  large number of Muslim and African and other refugees move into my part of the world so it is all new and it must be so hard for them.

Message 159 of 443
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