on โ22-04-2014 07:13 PM
Do you think that the world owes you a living?
on โ23-04-2014 06:58 PM
It all depends on what you mean by a welfare mentality? Does this refer to someone who can't work due to illness, or someone on unemployment who has done all they can to find work but failed dismissally; or someone who has lost their job and has to face the humiliation of accessing payments in order to survive.
Does it refer to the those receiving family payment so a parent can stay at home and raise the next generation of tax payers properly; Are you referring to those accessing the baby bonus, or carers who care tirelessly for disabled members or sick members of the family. To whom are you referring?
Is it a black or white issue do you think? and do we need to consider the impact of cutting payments or tightening up already difficult criteria to access payments. I wonder if the consequences will in the end cost everyone more?
on โ23-04-2014 07:31 PM
i think you'll find they haven't considered that. the haties merely read the articles by the favorite ranters in the comics and repeat it in places like this. if akerman or jonesy says it well thats good enough for them .
on โ23-04-2014 07:38 PM
(Not in reponse to anyone in particular.)
The OP stated "Do you think the world owes you a living? "Unless there was a subtext written in invisible ink, it didn't contain any invitation to criticise or speak on behalf of anyone else.
To answer the OP: no, I don't think the world owes me a living. I think the Government owes me what it promised me I would be entitled to at retirement and what it promised Mr. Elephant when he joined the Government Employees Superannuation Scheme. As long as it continues to honour those promises I shan't complain.
on โ24-04-2014 05:18 PM
Do politicians pay into a Superannuation Fund?
Why do they get a huge payout, an enormous pension and lots of perks even when they leave politics before the legal retirement age?
Like every other worker has to wait until retirement age to access the Suer fund and receive a pension, so should the same rules apply to politicians. No matter what their job was, street cleaner, office worker or Director of a company, including politicians. The Welfare Mentality or Entitlement Mentality should stop for everyone equally. After all, politicians pensions and perks are paid from the same coffers as any other pension, from the taxes of the workers.
The age of entitlement is over, Joe Hockey said. That should apply to him and his cronies as well.
on โ24-04-2014 05:45 PM
Hey is it me or was Joe Hockey during his speech making it sound like qualifying for DSP is like buying a bag of lollies down the shop. I wonder if he actually has an understanding of the process required or is he just relying on his advisers?
Oh and Lind great point, what is good for goose is good for the gander lol! ๐
on โ24-04-2014 05:49 PM
@lind9650 wrote:Do politicians pay into a Superannuation Fund?
Why do they get a huge payout, an enormous pension and lots of perks even when they leave politics before the legal retirement age?
Like every other worker has to wait until retirement age to access the Suer fund and receive a pension, so should the same rules apply to politicians. No matter what their job was, street cleaner, office worker or Director of a company, including politicians. The Welfare Mentality or Entitlement Mentality should stop for everyone equally. After all, politicians pensions and perks are paid from the same coffers as any other pension, from the taxes of the workers.
The age of entitlement is over, Joe Hockey said. That should apply to him and his cronies as well.
There is no "age of entitlement" Erica. It's just the conservatives way of saying they are going to change the fabric of our society. From one where there is a safety net for those who need it, to one where the only important thing is private profit for the few, everyone else is just fodder for those who really feel entitled - the idle rich and their band of loyal supporters.
on โ24-04-2014 06:20 PM
@bella_again wrote:Hey is it me or was Joe Hockey during his speech making it sound like qualifying for DSP is like buying a bag of lollies down the shop. I wonder if he actually has an understanding of the process required or is he just relying on his advisers?
Oh and Lind great point, what is good for goose is good for the gander lol! ๐
He said the age pension was only ever meant to be a safety net. Yeah right, a safety net for those who lived beyond retirement age to enjioy their life on. Too many of the current Libs seem to have not much idea about this country. People who worked hard and paid taxes were promised the pension in retirement. Super funds are a relatively new invention, and compulsory super contributions even more recent.
He also lied and said the cost of the aged pension was rapidly increasing and it's not. There are more people retiring with super than ever and fewer people solely reliant on the age pension.
They're just trying to work out a way of reversing the pension increase that Labor introduced is the way it sounds. Much like they are reversing everything else that Labor introduced, like spiteful, spoiled children. So much for the so called "adults" being in charge. They have behaved like a bunch of bully boy brats and thugs since the day they won. They have not a care about Australia, just about their precious little liberal party.
I'd rather Labor with their fights. At least they can battle it out and keep working for the good of everyone. This mob are the sweep it under the mat, cover it up and punish those who tell rather than those who do wrong mob.
on โ25-04-2014 02:44 PM
@the_great_she_elephant wrote:(Not in reponse to anyone in particular.)
The OP stated "Do you think the world owes you a living? "Unless there was a subtext written in invisible ink, it didn't contain any invitation to criticise or speak on behalf of anyone else.
To answer the OP: no, I don't think the world owes me a living. I think the Government owes me what it promised me I would be entitled to at retirement and what it promised Mr. Elephant when he joined the Government Employees Superannuation Scheme. As long as it continues to honour those promises I shan't complain.
Ms She Elephant
I was inclined to leave this one alone but I believe you have made a grievous error in your rely to the opening post. Your error was in taking the question seriously.
The question is a reformulation of a statement by Mark Twain: "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." That is, it is a rhetorical question and can be understood to mean "The world does not owe you a living".
Poddster is trolling here. He is not interested in engaging in a debate. He merely wishes to promote an opinion that recipients of welfare have done nothing to deserve their payments and should be ashamed of themselves. I know that Poddster is not interested in my views, but for your benefit I will say that the question is asinine.
There are people, and I believe Poddster to be one of them, who hold a social Darwinsit view that persons who are needy are a drag on the economy and should be excised from society. I hold a different view. My personal view is that a civilised society should ensure the safety and welfare of everyone, including those who are unable to take care of themselves. As the French historian Louis Blanc said "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".
on โ25-04-2014 03:02 PM
@poddster wrote:Do you think that the world owes you a living?
I appreciate the hand up the government have offered me....
I double appreciate the course that they paid for and the assistance they gave me in finding my amazing job and for the assistance I have now so I can get through Uni and be able to earn even more money.
The world does not owe anyone a living but our governments owe us the safety net so we don't end up at risk.
on โ25-04-2014 03:32 PM
CM those are the sort of things I thought we pad our taxes for.