Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

Some friends and I were having morning tea today and got to talking about our childhood and growing up and this topic came up.

One of our younger friends was talking about how when test tube babies first began being discussed on the news. She was aged about 5 or 6 at this time.

At the time she was a youngster and she believed that the babies grew inside these test tubes with the test tubes being replaced by bigger test tubes as the baby grew.

We all chuckled at that.

She was talking to her mother about it one day and asked if she could have a baby brother grown in a test tube so she could take him to school for news.

Her mother had to explain exactly what a test tube baby was.


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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I was preschool age when I went up in a plane for the first time.

I wondered why the planes didn't land with clouds still stuck on top of  them.

I didn't think about the wind blowing them off!!!!!!

Smiley Very Happy


Message 21 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I got that one - but I actually figured it was Venice, coz the deeper I dug the more water appeared at the bottom LOL


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 22 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

Also - "Don't make me come back there !"


W*T*F - as if I would make you do that !??!!


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 23 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I used to think both Mum & Dad had xray vision.   When it was quiet, they could see we my sisters  were up to mischief.Smiley Frustrated



Message 24 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did. mum could see round corners (and behind doors) as well .....


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 25 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I used to believe that Miss Michelle? from Romper Room could see people through her mirror.

In fact, I think there was a time when I thought there were little people inside the telly Smiley LOL

Message 26 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

And John Chance (ABC newsreader) was in the television, and in the telephone when you dialled for the time.


"At the third stroke it will be..........."  (Free call)



Message 27 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

I thought that the Lady Penelope x-ray sunglasses that came with the Thunderbirds comic really did work.

Message 28 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

@lloydslights wrote:

And John Chance (ABC newsreader) was in the television, and in the telephone when you dialled for the time.


"At the third stroke it will be..........."  (Free call)



I remember fooling my daughter when she was young with regards to phoning to find out the time.

I told her there was a man whose job it was to sit there and say what the time was, and that different states who were behind us timewise hired other men to do the same thing.

I described a man sitting in a booth with a big clock on the wall opposite  and a microphone on the desk in front.


She believed me, well, for a very short time. She started asking about what happened if he had to go to the toilet or eat a meal.

I had to confess in the end.


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Message 29 of 57
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Re: Things you used to think and now can't believe you did.

@annies_fancy_dress wrote:

I was preschool age when I went up in a plane for the first time.

I wondered why the planes didn't land with clouds still stuck on top of  them.

I didn't think about the wind blowing them off!!!!!!

Smiley Very Happy


LOL, you just reminded me, my sister, as a youngster, thought the world was stacked up like apartment blocks, and planes were like elevators between them. We used to go to the airport to collect various family members from England and would watch the planes take off/land, she thought you hopped on the plane, went up to England and come back down again when they returned.


Then again, I wasnt the sharpest tool in the shed either, I believed in the little man in the refrigerator who turned the light on and off. Smiley Frustrated

Message 30 of 57
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