on 02-06-2013 05:35 PM
The latest arrival of two vessels carrying 157 people takes the total number of illegal boats that have arrived on Labor’s watch past 700.
Over 42,000 people have arrived on 701 boats since the Rudd-Gillard Government dismantled the Howard Government’s border protection regime.
Labor’s decision to dismantle the Howard Government’s policies has put our country’s security at risk.
It has cost hundreds of lives lost at sea and resulted in thousands of people entering our communities without rigorous security checks.
Every illegal boat arrival cost Australians $12.8 million (on average) – and that’s money which could otherwise go to fund hospitals, roads and help repay debt.
It has seen border protection cost blowouts of more than $10 billion for a system that does not work – that’s money which could otherwise fund hospitals, roads and help repay debt.
Labor’s mismanagement has also included the detention of a convicted jihadist terrorist in low security family accommodation at Inverbrackie in South Australia.
This jihadist was a member of the terrorist organisation Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which merged with al Qaeda in 2001, many years before his arrival by boat.
With an average of 100 people now arriving every day, Australia cannot afford three more years of Labor failure.
on 09-06-2013 02:01 PM
Meep, no , I don't fully understand.I am trying to though...it does look to me as though that is an area which may need addressing .I have just been reading this .
Asylum seekers: the story that doesn't get told
DateApril 12, 2013
Pamela Mirghani
WA today.com.au producer
I would probably start here:
http://expertpanelonasylumseekers.dpmc.gov.au/report Report of the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers
(it includes information about changes to the Humanitarian Program)
on 09-06-2013 02:21 PM
Iza -
the dealine was Jan 2013 but the information paper contains good information.
on 09-06-2013 07:21 PM
Another one sinks more dead and the deaths of these people sit squarely in the hands of the GREENS and LABOR
Over 1000 dead because of this govts failed border policy
How do the bleeding hears feel on here?
on 09-06-2013 07:47 PM
Fatalities have occured because people are conned by vested interests.
I dare say that these unfortunate people are told by the smugglers that the journey is safe and that they will be welcomed on arrival.
There should be more done by both Indonesia and Australia to show the reality of such a journey and if it takes graphic images and video to achieve that goal it is far more acceptable to go down that path than the loss of innocent lives.
If people still take the journey they should know the risks they take, losing their lives and those of their family members.
Indonesia has tough laws in some areas that visitors have to abide by and so should Australia have when it comes to illegal entry to this county.
That could be, no passport or papers no entry at the time of entry or at anytime in the future.
Drastic you say? Yes drastic, but it would make people think twice before entering illegally.
For the ones entering with papers they could be shipped to a regular holding facility and told that they would have to wait at the end of the que.
I have stated before that there are legal channels for immigration and those channels must take precedence over the illegal entry.
on 10-06-2013 08:09 AM
It's hard to imagine that staying may be a greater and more certain risk to life than getting on those boats.
Meep, I will have a read of those when I can take it all in.What is or should be obvious to anyone who bothers to look into the issue is that it is a very multi-faceted issue...and that with the way things stand stopping the boats isn't going to happen .
The last part of that article where the journo was considering anything ,even paying a people smuggler if it came to that to get her husband over here (away from danger ) rings true to me.
About us welcoming people from England ...but demonising (sp?) people escaping all manor of horror .
Podster, lives have been lost ..they are lost in vast numbers daily where these people come from.It is not the fault of either side of politics (though both agreed with the current policies didn't they ?That being the case if one was to blame..they all should be blamed.The suggestion seems ridiculous imo) ...the issue is much bigger than that .You may not like Julia Gillard but she is not to blame for this loss of lives.
on 10-06-2013 08:12 AM
Been sitting down pondering with a puff on my pipe and I thought...........
If Mr Abbott becomes the next Prime Minister and his slogan of turning the boats back becomes a reality. And he uses the Australian Navy to turn them around and escort them. I'm curious and I'm sure other folk here will correct me. I could possibly be off on a tangent here LOL
Does this action become an act of International Piracy?
perhaps ?
on 10-06-2013 08:35 AM
I have stated before that there are legal channels for immigration and those channels must take precedence over the illegal entry.
you and anyone else can state that as many times as you want .The fact is that it is not illegal to arrive on a boat to seek asylum with or without papers.
on 10-06-2013 09:01 AM
Podster, lives have been lost ..they are lost in vast numbers daily where these people come from.It is not the fault of either side of politics (though both agreed with the current policies didn't they ?That being the case if one was to blame..they all should be blamed.The suggestion seems ridiculous imo) ...the issue is much bigger than that .You may not like Julia Gillard but she is not to blame for this loss of lives.
Lives were lost because the boat wasn't seaworthy - most aren't.
Once the rabbit introduces his 'tow-back' policy, it will mean extra hours in the water for these already failing boats.Abbott will have blood on his own hands then.
on 10-06-2013 09:03 AM
can he introduce it without Indonesia's agreement ? Doesn't our Navy already rescue from their waters sometimes ?
on 10-06-2013 09:05 AM
WHAT’S the difference between conservatives and the Left? It’s another 150 boat people feared dead off Christmas Island
Those dead, and 1000 others drowned since Labor scrapped our tough border laws, are the price of one of the deadliest characteristics of the Left.
In 2008, then prime minister Kevin Rudd dismantled the tough laws, which for six years had kept boat arrivals down to three a year.
He could see those laws had worked. Officials warned weakening them would bring back the boats.
But still he scrapped them, with many in the media cheering him. ("A stain was removed from the soul of this nation," hallelujahed The Age.) (a good leftie paper)
And when I repeatedly wrote of the boat people being lured to their deaths at sea, Labor pretended not to hear or know.
("There is no evidence to support this figure," deputy prime minister Julia Gillard snapped, when the Opposition repeated my claim that 25 people had, by then, already died.)
It is because they wanted to seem "compassionate". They wanted to be judged by their intentions, not the consequences.
But across the Third World, people with $10,000 knew there was now a way to emigrate to somewhere safer and richer without having to queue or pass any tests. By throwing away their passports, they made it almost impossible for us to check their stories of fleeing oppression.
Even better, Labor stacked the Refugee Review Tribunal with pro-refugee members, appointed by a panel that included the Refugee Council boss.
We see now the consequences - 100 boat people arrive each day, or enough to fill Canberra in 10 years - even without family reunions.
These are mostly Muslims, largely without English or marketable skills. Two years ago, the Immigration Department estimated just 9 per cent of Afghan asylum seekers had jobs five years after arriving.
The danger to Australia of importing so many hard-to-assimilate people is obvious, even without the risk of Islamist militancy. The danger to the boat people we again see.
A conservative, prizing reason, would weigh all this and conclude the boats must be stopped, by almost any means. Never mind that we seem "mean". Fixing the problem is what counts.
But to romantics on the Left, seeming kind is what counts. Never mind the consequences of that "kindness" - bodies in the sea and strife on our streets.
Oh, and scream "racist" at conservatives who do point out such things. Making others seem bad is part of this game of seeming, not doing.
How many of Labor's worst mistakes are born of this vanity?
Think of the "stolen generations" myth. Never mind that no believers can name even 10 children stolen just for being black. Never mind the myth makes us leave Aboriginal children in ghastly danger.
Think also of the global warming faith. Never mind that the world has not warmed for more than 15 years. Never mind that pointless warmist policies makes electricity cost too much for the poor to heat their homes.
Seeming good while achieving evil has been the sin of the Left since even before the bloody French Revolution. But the Left has its victims even here. There they are, in the sea.