Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Community Member

The latest arrival of two vessels carrying 157 people takes the total number of illegal boats that have arrived on Labor’s watch past 700.


Over 42,000 people have arrived on 701 boats since the Rudd-Gillard Government dismantled the Howard Government’s border protection regime.


Labor’s decision to dismantle the Howard Government’s policies has put our country’s security at risk.

It has cost hundreds of lives lost at sea and resulted in thousands of people entering our communities without rigorous security checks.


Every illegal boat arrival cost Australians $12.8 million (on average) – and that’s money which could otherwise go to fund hospitals, roads and help repay debt.


It has seen border protection cost blowouts of more than $10 billion for a system that does not work – that’s money which could otherwise fund hospitals, roads and help repay debt.


Labor’s mismanagement has also included the detention of a convicted jihadist terrorist in low security family accommodation at Inverbrackie in South Australia.


This jihadist was a member of the terrorist organisation Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which merged with al Qaeda in 2001, many years before his arrival by boat.


With an average of 100 people now arriving every day, Australia cannot afford three more years of Labor failure.




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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

I myself would be careful quoting a journo convicted in an Australian court on race related charges .

Message 221 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

the stolen generations myth????

Message 222 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Andrew Bolt went too far there 

Message 223 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

can he introduce it without Indonesia's agreement ? Doesn't our Navy already rescue from their waters sometimes ? 


So he thinks.


But of course the Indonesians won't let our navy rumble into their waters.So I suppose they will have to push them the final few metres out of our waters? 


Abbott has rocks in his head if he thinks he can 'fix' this. But then he doesn't 'think', does he?


What lack of faith I have in Abbott I DO have in our navy. As the did with Howard, they will defy orders and show more compassion when push comes to shove.


Message 224 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Am I not on 'Ignore" any more ?

I suspected curiosity would get the better of you 🙂 :-x

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 225 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Lives were lost because people embarked on vessels that were unseaworthy in an attempt to enter a country unlawfully. Perhaps they did now know the risks but perhaps they did and took the risk in spite of that knowledge.


If they did not know the risks they should be made aware of then in no uncertain terms.


Tell me good people, would you crawl across a very busy eight lane highway?

If you got hit who is to blame?

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 226 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Community Member

Rudd's credibility is lost at sea


AS Kevin Rudd prepares to blitz western Sydney this week, he might like to explain why he engineered Labor's greatest shame, for which he and Gillard bear responsibility - restarting the boats.


We see the consequences of Rudd's moral vanity today as more than 100 asylum seekers a day forge across the seas on a journey that has drowned at least 1000.


So many boats are arriving now that our Navy can barely keep up, forced to flit from crisis to crisis in the Indian Ocean as people smugglers ramp up their trade in anticipation of a clampdown in September if the Coalition wins the election.


Yet Rudd thinks the most important thing for the nation is to reinstall him in the Lodge.


On Friday we saw the juxtaposition of his childish revenge antics against the deadly consequences of his egomania. While he was touring a Geelong shopping mall surrounded by a hand-picked cheer squad, and phoning journalists to divulge his wicked plans, news filtered through that another asylum seeker boat had capsized with 60 souls on board.


Maritime safety authorities had found a debris field to the northwest of Christmas Island where a boat had been spotted two days earlier. Within hours came confirmation from HMAS Warramunga of a body floating in the water.


On Saturday, Rudd no doubt basked in the positive coverage of his day on the hustings and the fresh leadership crisis he had sparked.


Out on the Indian Ocean the Navy was cleaning up the mess he started.


HMAS Warramunga couldn't even complete the grim task of recovering bodies before it was called away to rescue 70 asylum seekers from another "disabled vessel".


While HMAS Warramunga was busy, HMAS Glenelg had to be called in to rescue 58 asylum seekers on yet another boat. They were all deposited safely on Christmas Island by Monday, according to an AMSA spokesperson.


Meanwhile, on Sunday, came another distress call, from a 24-metre "Sri Lankan-type" fishing vessel spotted northwest of Cocos Island.


On Tuesday afternoon, AMSA confirmed a search was under way involving two planes. Let us hope that they do not find more people who have been lured to their deaths by the siren call of Labor's border protection failures.


A maritime rescue source believes more asylum seeker boats than we know have sunk without a trace. Last week navigational safety warnings were radioed to ships to avoid two upturned wooden hulls partly submerged off Christmas Island.


They were first thought to be the remnants of asylum seeker boats that had capsized unnoticed, but AMSA says they are "vessels that arrived safely at Christmas Island and have been destroyed for quarantine purposes by Border Protection Command".


Clearly they were not destroyed enough if they pose a risk to shipping. But it must be hard to keep up.


Since Rudd became prime minister and sent the green light to people smugglers, the number of asylum seekers has soared almost exponentially, to 40,000, and the industry has become far more sophisticated and organised.


They now have the routine down pat. The boat operator will use a satellite phone to call the Australian Maritime Safety Authority direct, give the boat's precise GPS co-ordinates, say it's in distress and request a rescue crew to pick them up.


Some of the boats barely make it out of port before they're on the phone. Earlier last week Australian authorities were alerted to a fishing vessel with 40 people on board just outside Cilicap port in central Java, says the maritime rescue source.


So many boats are now arriving that "it's almost to the point where it becomes a joke," he says. Radio operators greet the arrival of another boatload of asylum seekers with: "Here come the latest citizens".


This is the mayhem that Rudd deliberately, recklessly, arrogantly and foolishly created in 2007 when he unwound the successful Howard-Ruddock border protection policies for no other reason than to make himself look good.


Even Mark Latham now says Howard was right on boats.


When children are dying on the high seas "there comes a time to call the truth" he told ABC's Q&A on Monday night.


But there is no such truth-telling from the hypocritical assorted compassionistas, human rights lawyers and lip-sewing luvvies who used to rail against Howard's "cruel" border protection policies.


Their silence over the past six years has been deafening. Occasionally they stir themselves to mutter some half-hearted criticism of Labor but they always find a way to lay blame on the Opposition.


And you just know they will find their passion again if Tony Abbott becomes prime minister.


Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald letters page was an exemplar of their perverted logic.

"The Abbott-led Coalition stands condemned over the recent deaths at sea of refugees seeking asylum," wrote John Barry of Croydon, Victoria.


Rudd is counting on such delusional thinking to bring him back to power. But he has no answers. He is the root of Labor's problems.


There is no better demonstration of his bizarre disconnection from reality than that shopping centre walkabout on Friday, set against the backdrop of the bodies of men, women and children floating in the ocean



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Message 227 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Just filling you in with an update on the "terrorist" nero

Message 228 of 229
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Today, the 700th illegal boat arrived under Labor’s watch

Community Member

a massive problem purely created by Rudd unpicking the very safe a secure border policy that was in place.


The sugar was put on the table & we are seeing the result of over 45,000 illegal boat refugees & I use that word  lightly.


All this talk about "global" asylum seekers & how we should open up our borders to them is over 45 million. The spurious attempt to mitigate the massive problem we see every day up north.


We should back away from the outdated UN agreement, it was only agreed to after the 2nd world war where millions of displaced persons were in need of asylum after nearly every European country was decimated by bombs.


90% of illegal entries by boat are economic refugees, they have destroyed all identification & are coached in the words to use once they are here.


Gillard can't do anything or won't do anything, Abbott will have a massive problem & it's looking more difficult every day.



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