on โ12-05-2014 08:09 PM
Without wishing to pre-empt Joe's Big Night, but I reckon the following words/phrases will figure prominently in his speech:
Budget Crisis
Heavy Lifting
Tighten The Belt
Share The Burden
We're all in this together
Infrastructure spending
Black Hole
Pulling our weight
Prudent and responsible
Adult government
No surprises
Labor's wastefulness
Please feel free to add to this list.
on โ12-05-2014 08:10 PM
on โ12-05-2014 08:13 PM
dont forget labor or unions or 'emergency' or 'waste' or labor. he may come accross all statesmen -like and serious which will be funny.
on โ12-05-2014 08:15 PM
And dont forget, labours uncontrolled 10 year spend mode.
on โ12-05-2014 08:40 PM
@pct001wine wrote:Without wishing to pre-empt Joe's Big Night, but I reckon the following words/phrases will figure prominently in his speech:
Budget Crisis
Heavy Lifting
Tighten The Belt
Share The Burden
We're all in this together
Infrastructure spending
Black Hole
Pulling our weight
Prudent and responsible
Adult government
No surprises
Labor's wastefulness
Please feel free to add to this list.
And why shouldn't he its all true and you know it too otherwise you would not have listed what you listed ๐
on โ12-05-2014 11:51 PM
Can we print that list off an play WORD BINGO with it tomorrow night an as we watch Mr Hockey deliver his Budget we can tick off the words as he says them and whoever posts the word BINGO first (with all the words ticked off the list) wins a prize?
on โ12-05-2014 11:52 PM
on โ12-05-2014 11:54 PM
on โ12-05-2014 11:56 PM
am*3 that was what I was wondering... what could we have as a prize? I like the idea of the post budget cigar (even if I don't smoke anymore ๐ )
on โ13-05-2014 09:38 AM
@witches*wol wrote:am*3 that was what I was wondering... what could we have as a prize? I like the idea of the post budget cigar (even if I don't smoke anymore ๐ )
Champagne and pizza will do