Tony Abbott's Support Page

A reminder of the debt that Australia has, while Labor can bury their heads and deny it exists the fact remains we have a huge problem with debt and sooner than later the chips will fall, no business, no state and no country can keep operating in the red, eventually those we own the money to will own us. Who will own us?
The state of Qld has debt of $80 billion dollars, Labor are saying they don’t think it’s that bad, Bill Shorten on Australia’s debt, there is no debt crisis, there is a crisis and we are in this situation because of Labor, no one else and the bottom line is Labor can’t fix this problem, their speciality is creating debt not fixing debt.

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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

Two sides to a discussion - support for Tony Abbott or no support for Tony Abbottt....a  good discussion if both views are allowed to contribute without being attacked.. Attack the topic not the poster.

View solution in original post

Message 677 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

'Labor can’t fix this problem, their speciality is creating debt not fixing debt.'


I've been saying this for 30 years, but oddly, ALP supporters deny it. Strange how they can do so, even when statistics clearly show it!


But, they'll probably tell us that those figures were released by the Libs - to make the ALP look bad, and after all, figures can be manipulated!




Message 2 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

You can use this for all the supporers signatures..............



Let me know if you need a smaller page........


glad to helpSmiley Happy


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 3 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

Victoria has a new Premier that makes Rudd and Gillard look like rank amateurs when it comes to blowing a surplus, under two months the newly elected Premier has blown the surplus.


Being a Labor person it’s understandable that maths would not be a strong point but this fellow leaves most of Labor’s worst for dead, he is spending $1 billion to tear up a contract that was going to cost $2 billion to build the biggest project the state is crying out for.


The state will most likely be sued into the bargain. The federal leader of course after backing the project is now supporting the lunacy of blowing a billion dollars.



Message 4 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

 Let's Not Play Pass The Parcel
This article had me shaking my head all day yesterday.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott is not a victim.
Because we had the Rudd and Gillard circus rotating Prime Minister’s like it was some sort of national sport doesn’t mean that’s the way Australia should operate, they were there for the power grab and to wreck our country, Australia came last with those two and now the media are thinking that’s the way it’s going to be in this country, I don’t think so.
When I vote at an election I expect the person I helped elect as Prime Minister to be Prime Minister, I don’t expect some union thugs in a back room to change leaders because they think they are losing power. Rudd was ditched by his party because his colleagues couldn’t work with him remember what his party leaders said about him, Gillard was ditched because she as a popular as VD in the Vatican and the party wanted to hold an extra ten seats, Australians came last with the Labor Party.

Speaking with several people this past week I received feedback from one, we just wanted the boats stopped and nothing else to change, then this from a couple who had lost their house, under Gillard this was, their accountant had told them the banks should never loaned them the money in the first place because there was no way they could ever meet the repayments **bleep**, blaming others and government for their mistakes has to end.

The back benchers suffering the jitters because they are worried about their jobs need to wake up and get on board it’s not about them it’s about us.

I like this part:- Coalition MPs need to take a cold shower, an aspirin and settle down. There’s no doubt Abbott has battled to sell the message as PM.

His relationship with the shambolic crossbench, as nutty as some of them are, is not as good as it should be.
Public pressure on the senate to pass key pieces of legislation is not as great as it should be because the government hasn’t sold the message well enough.

No one can work with a nut case, those moaning need to wake up see the big picture and step up to the task, self interest is not going to cut it for them and wishy washy doesn’t win at the end of the day. Get off your butts high light the loony senate and the opposition leader who is only interested in destroying this country even further. 


Message 5 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

I will put my name to the list without hesitation.His election platform was to stop the illegal immigrants and to rid us of the carbon tax rip off he did what he said he would do against all odds.

Australia's net debt is slowly being clawed back which is a step in the right direction (no pun intended)



I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 6 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

Abbott also stated/promised that there were a lot of other things he would do and would NOT do.......look at all the lies!...... he lied and lied and lied whilst SLEDGING everything.



This is what Libs do. Sledge.


They don't make anything good 'happen' or create anything useful or even creative or improve conditions for everyone.


They do have special concessions though just for their rich corporate maaaaates.Smiley Wink




I laughed when read thread topic : Tony Abbott's Support Page.


Lots of supporters ....just flocking to post LOL Smiley LOL

....maybe all the supporters are too busy supporting Campbell Newman, on his support page ...*PPPPFFfffffTTtttt!

Message 7 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

So paints, are you saying that stopping the ever increasing tide of illegal immigrants, that are a burden on all the taxpayers is not a good thing? Likewise with the carbon tax, that millstone around the neck of Australia' economy, getting shot of that was not a good thing?


And clawing back the level of debt is not good too huh ?


Sledging what Labor has done, you know the mess they created that will take a decade to clean up, is bad.


Stopping the illegals didn't 'Just happen" it was MADE to happen.


Creating a healthy corporate sector leads to a healthy economy, no?


But I guess anything but a hand-out mentally is against the Labor ethos


In that environment where do the hand outs come from? Government borrowings?


Try running a household on no income and nothing but a credit card, sustainable?


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 8 of 1,773
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Re: Tony Abbott's Support Page

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) recently stated Howard was the most profligate Australian Prime Minister in history. If you take issue with that statement, talk to the experts.  


Australia took decisive action to stem the impacts of the GFC on jobs and economic growth. The economy is now at trend growth and 926,000 jobs have been created since the GFC. An outstanding result no matter how you slice it.

This meant stimulating the economy with a significant stimulus package of around $52 billion (3% of GDP in today's terms). A response that was heralded as a model targeted and effective response by the IMF, OECD and World Bank. The OECD praised the package stating it would save 200,000 jobs.

World experts such as Nobel Prize laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz also said the stimulus "served Australia well".  To maintain surpluses over the GFC period –as some in the Coalition seem to suggest Labor should have done – would have been irresponsible.


The remainder of our gross debt is about $50.5 billion over five years. This is equal to 0.6% of GDP each year in today's terms.

The numbers sound big, but in the context of our almost $1.6T trillion economy, they are small. The Coalition try to take interest payments and debt out of the wider context because they are large by historical standards. However, to do this without reference to the wider economy, the global scenario and the GFC is just plain deceptive.


Fitch  affirmed their AAA rating for our economy.

A point only further underlined by Dun and Bradstreet's recent release entitled Australian economy ranked among world's safest, in which it says:

"Solid GDP growth, relative to other developed economies, contributes to Australia's status as one of the world's safest trade destinations. Likewise, the nation's unemployment rate is low, and its annual average inflation remains within the Reserve Bank's target band. Terms of trade at historical highs and solid commodity prices have also helped Australia avoid much of the turbulence experienced within other advanced economies."


All this when LNP took over. 


Even Joe Hockey, July 2014 - 


Joe Hockey has told New Zealand that there is no crisis in the Australian economy, nor is it in trouble.

Read more:




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So who do we believe?  World economic experts and our own Treasurer?  Or the murdoch press and posters on an internet forum? 








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