Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

He applied this to others, how did they keep this out of the papers?

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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin


The former communications director said Ms Credlin believed she was smarter than her colleagues. 

She would single people out at group meetings and 'bully them' - and then try and make it up to them with 'over-the-top gestures of generosity', Ms McMillan claimed. 

She resigned after a falling out with Ms Credlin over a December 2014 leak to the press.

According to the book, Ms McMillan believed Ms Credlin leaked news Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos was quitting to James Massola, a political reporter. 

After the tiff, Ms McMillan went on leave and never returned to her position. She now works in a senior corporate communications position for Snowy Hydro Limited. 

Ms McMillan was not the only former staffer to go on the record with claims about Ms Credlin's treatment in the new book.

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Message 41 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

 It can be amusing in the right circumstances; but as shown here,  people may have been mislead by the 2 contributiions on this thread.


it wouldn't be the first time

someone posted/read an article from

satire news website and believed it. Smiley LOL

Message 42 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

@*julia*2010 wrote:

 It can be amusing in the right circumstances; but as shown here,  people may have been mislead by the 2 contributiions on this thread.


it wouldn't be the first time

someone posted/read an article from

satire news website and believed it. Smiley LOL

That's true. I did it once. Fortunately someonevery quickly  pointed it out to me and I apologised unequivocally. It was a good wake-up call and since then I have been extra careful to check and recheck my sources before C&Ping

Message 43 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

abbots reponse.png

Message 44 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

that's abbott's response to the book ( real response)



what's that other satire site called? snopes??


Message 45 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

His response, is, no response to the question, in question...there's no, no. Bringing up political decisions made to quell a rumour about personal business is what Clinton did. See...I'm proving my own point. Dignified silence can be better than a denial. Especially if it's not one.



Good to see the real response. If they did, they did. If it affected their respective jobs, huge problem. If not, between them and their partners and his credibility is shot for good.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 46 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

as you say Amber- credibility is shot whether they did or didn't. interesting the timing of the book too. 


Apparently it's a best seller, as soon as the shops are re-filling stock, it's disappearing off the shelves

Message 47 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

Well someones making money out of it. I wonder if it's worth it.

I certainly wouldn't waste any of my money on it.
Message 48 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

@donnashuggy wrote:

So most of his colleagues believed they were having an affair and he would not sack her??



Very interesting stuff eh?

Some years ago most people that knew thought a well known vocal ebay member was having an affair with the then head of paypal, was it true, most thought so as there was lots of rumours and gossip going around. I felt sorry for this persons husdand and the wife of the paypal exec if these allegations got back to them.  Did this person ever deny the alleged affair... no they didnt.. shouLd they have, i would have thought  they should have if only for the sake of their families. 

So was this allegation true or was it simply rumours spread by gossps with angendas?

Message 49 of 81
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Re: Tony Abbott should prove he didn't have an affair with Credlin

@march470 wrote:

@donnashuggy wrote:

So most of his colleagues believed they were having an affair and he would not sack her??



Very interesting stuff eh?

Some years ago most people that knew thought a well known vocal ebay member was having an affaiNJingr with the then head of paypal, was it true, most thought so as there was lots of rumours and gossip going around. I felt sorry for this persons husdand and the wife of the paypal exec if these allegations got back to them.  Did this person ever deny the alleged affair... no they didnt.. shouLd they have, i would have thought  they should have if only for the sake of their families. 

So was this allegation true or was it simply rumours spread by gossps with angendas?

So are these rumours about credlin and abbott true... most sensible people wouldnt, they will see it as simply more obsessive hatred of abbott and wanting to trash him and his family.  I alao note that its international womens day yet who are trashing a strong inderpendent woman in credlin the most.... yes thats right other women.. so much for the sisterhood... i guess the sisterhood is only for the left leaning types.


i feel so kuch for maggie abbott and her family having to put up with these never ending attacks and bitterness and i feel for peta credlins husband and family

Message 50 of 81
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