on โ08-11-2016 01:01 PM
โ09-11-2016 09:31 PM - edited โ09-11-2016 09:33 PM
The dumbing down of America continues.
Indeed it does, and it just took a quantum leap forward.
My personal apologies to all you good folks for the fallout you're bound to suffer as a result of our abject stupidity.
on โ09-11-2016 09:39 PM
on โ09-11-2016 09:40 PM
You have to give them their "Victory Lap".
on โ09-11-2016 09:42 PM
...then kiss your buttocks ( can I still use a scientific phrase here? ) goodbye.
on โ09-11-2016 09:46 PM
@kopenhagen5 wrote:I think I said on a thread here somewhere that there is no way Trump will become president.
What a crazy world we live in.
I think I wrote that he probably would get in.
I'm now curious as to whether the biggest protesters voted. Often you find the loudest mouths are the ones that didn't vote.
All we can really do now is sit back and see if he makes good on his promises. You never know, he may surprised everyone. No point harping at me and saying no chance, because you just don't know. Only time will tell. In the mean time, all we can do is open our doors and offer our spare room to one of the millions who are saying they are leaving. I don't think Canada is big enough.
Our former local member absolutely hated politicians with a passion. At election time, it was pretty pointless anyone else even running because they didn't have a hope of getting in. The only people that would vote for the others were their family and close friends. He used to stick it up them in Canberra. He was trying to enforce a policy where the pollie perks would be reduced after they were done with politics, but sadly pancreatic cancer got him before he could do to much. If he hadn't died, he would still be our local member without a doubt.
He was in it for the people. Anyone could approach him at any time and he'd take it to parliament and do whatever he could to make whatever it was happen. He was often getting told to sit down, but he was like a rabid dog. He entered politics because he hated them. He made promises and kept every single one of them. He was so popular, everything in town closed on the day of his funeral. Basically turned into a public holiday, except for essential services. The funeral was massive.
on โ09-11-2016 09:50 PM
Hey at least the price of gold has gone up yay
on โ09-11-2016 09:53 PM
I'll take that bet now david if you don't mind
on โ09-11-2016 10:10 PM
Its interesting that Hilary has not appeared or said anything yet , I think she thought it was in the bag .
people who did not like being rubbished over their views have lodged a protest vote, I'd say . I think it also we will see more votes for anti imigration politicians as people are afraid with lack of jobs and the threat of terrorism,thats the reality even if most politicians will not admit it.
America in particular has suffered very badly from terror attacks and war casualties and one thing a lot of experts said was that Clinton is very pro military action .
on โ09-11-2016 10:10 PM
Keeping in mind a president is often a puppet with those in the know in the wings. Thank God for that.
2 reasons I think he has swung it his way.
1. Conservatives not keen on a woman president in the USA.
2. Wealthy capitalists see Trump as not so smart and will use him without him realising.
But I will predict this, he will serve 4 but won't be re-elected and the next president will need to clean up Trumps mess.
on โ09-11-2016 10:15 PM
USA is still cleaning up Bush's mess and will always be doing it.
Hasn't it always been the way that the next President has to clean up the previous mess lol.