on 08-11-2016 01:01 PM
on 09-11-2016 06:04 PM
Always remember that when Hitler first came to power, the Germans thought he was wonderful, didnt take long for many of them to change their mind
on 09-11-2016 06:16 PM
@bushies.girl wrote:Isnt that how Brexit happened as well?
It started with Brexit didn't it?
The shock continued here in Aus with Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party romping it in to the Senate.
Now the stunned silence from the Democrats re the likelihood of a Trump presidency.
The Phillippine's president Duterte seperating himself from the US
Next there's the French and German elections in Europe.
Populations are sick of being ignored by their governments all around the world.
on 09-11-2016 06:29 PM
on 09-11-2016 06:34 PM
on 09-11-2016 06:40 PM
on 09-11-2016 06:40 PM
It's not even 100 posts yet. Did we have to have Godwin's Law already?????
More predictable than the election
on 09-11-2016 06:48 PM
on 09-11-2016 07:04 PM
Just listened to his speech.
It was warm and gracious, also to his adversary, Hillary.
Lots of cheering from his audience.
on 09-11-2016 07:06 PM
Lots of work for US construction workers now with a big wall to build
on 09-11-2016 07:11 PM
@mloreason wrote:
Yeah and people find it so hard to comprehend how so many people could swear allegiance to Hitler. Because as with Trump he told the people what they wanted to hear.
Their utter stupidity was apparent when they agreed that Trump was capable of starting nuclear war but they were voting for him anyway. 🙄
Clinton came across as Hitler more thanTrump did, with her hoarse yelling and her pumping her arm into the air like the Sieg Heil salute.