on 12-06-2013 05:52 PM
EcommerceBytes Blog - Ina Steiner
"eBay is revamping its community area including the discussion boards. The change comes as eBay transitions away from using LiveWorld to moderate its boards. As we report in Monday's news story, eBay was not ready to provide more details when we broke the story last month. Who will moderate the boards - will it be brought in-house, or will eBay outsource it to another company? We'll have to wait to find out.
But we do know eBay is revamping the boards. Certain features will remain the same, but the design will change."
One change that is puzzling is how eBay will designate an employee's post. In the past, moderators' posts were always shown with a pink box - with the new design, posts from eBay employees will be identified by a blue box surrounding the post. Users had always referred to eBay forum moderators as "pinks" - so changing the color seems an odd decision.
Users have already expressed concern over what the change in moderation will mean for the user experience, so hearing that eBay will revamp the community area will likely cause more concern. On a positive note, eBay will move all previous posts to the updated forums.
What do you think of these changes, described here:
and what would you change on the eBay discussion boards if you could, and why?
(Warning comment at your own risk, they who must be obeyed or else, are still watching but not for long hopefully)
on 12-06-2013 09:20 PM
on 12-06-2013 09:27 PM
Taking a look at the thread topics, I'd like to see the POLITICAL threads contained by any ONE poster into only ONE thread each...can't they just post updates of their dislike in the same place?...it's a running commentary of woe anyway, so why do the boards have to be spammed with it along with every other site on the net?
Surely it should be considered spamming?
on 12-06-2013 09:35 PM
Cue bullying is a huge issue for many people and its been going on here for a long time, I guess i am lucky in that I am secure in knowing who I am and nothing said here ready means a lot, some times it is a bit disheartening to suddenly find people you thought were friends weren't really but hey that's life.
FB place I suppose can be a war zone as well but you can chose who you add and can totally block problem people so its generally much nicer.
That said most I met via the boards and have met a lot in person, something that would have never happened if it was not for the boards.
I believe part of the current problems have been caused by so many being chased away and leaving a smaller pool of targets so the problem is further magnified.
on 12-06-2013 09:39 PM
They have their own offsite forum, I don't know why they can't keep it all there.
I'd like to see 1 ID only
Reports not accepted from 0 ID ppl in multi IDs, to balance the plodz effect
An Aussie moderator who participates, like Shane did
Avatars and dates on the forum home page so it's easier to look for threads
naru ppl not permitted to use the community boards
on 12-06-2013 09:43 PM
Hawk, in life friends come and go and if you're lucky enough to walk away from any situation with just one good friend...you've done well. I never put too much stock in others...trust is a luxury in my world.
But it does concern me that the society itself is becoming so self absorbed and living in an unreal place called the net, that we've lost the ability to actually communicate with each other in real life - enter the bullies.
I still say g/day to people on this forum that I've known since the old RT, e.g. vintage, Mr. dylan, Gralbow and many others, though their visits are few and far between these days.
Maybe we should post a new RT reunion thread because anyone from the old rt used to automatically look for that thread...I always used to.
on 12-06-2013 09:46 PM
BTW Karen, you summarised that perfectly:-D
on 12-06-2013 09:54 PM
Well I am involved with a number of people from different clubs in the real life, I actually went and had lunch with a group today.
The net is just entertainment, TV doesn't interest me and its cold out in the shed 😉
on 12-06-2013 10:01 PM
I seriously doubt that Wareubin.
I would like to see where posts have been removed/moderated.............sometimes it can be hard to follow a thread if heaps of posts are missing.
on 12-06-2013 10:06 PM
There probably should be some kind of drinking rule.
and a rule that reminds people to take responsibility for their own choices, instead of crying that it's always someone else's fault. I might call that them sibi rules
on 12-06-2013 10:07 PM
Well I am involved with a number of people from different clubs in the real life, I actually went and had lunch with a group today.
The net is just entertainment, TV doesn't interest me and its cold out in the shed 😉
Same here, though not clubs...I'm plenty busy most days, so the net is just something I do occasionally these days...I think I got way too much once up on a time when I had to babysit another place every day....quite enough for me thanks...lol