on 12-06-2013 05:52 PM
EcommerceBytes Blog - Ina Steiner
"eBay is revamping its community area including the discussion boards. The change comes as eBay transitions away from using LiveWorld to moderate its boards. As we report in Monday's news story, eBay was not ready to provide more details when we broke the story last month. Who will moderate the boards - will it be brought in-house, or will eBay outsource it to another company? We'll have to wait to find out.
But we do know eBay is revamping the boards. Certain features will remain the same, but the design will change."
One change that is puzzling is how eBay will designate an employee's post. In the past, moderators' posts were always shown with a pink box - with the new design, posts from eBay employees will be identified by a blue box surrounding the post. Users had always referred to eBay forum moderators as "pinks" - so changing the color seems an odd decision.
Users have already expressed concern over what the change in moderation will mean for the user experience, so hearing that eBay will revamp the community area will likely cause more concern. On a positive note, eBay will move all previous posts to the updated forums.
What do you think of these changes, described here:
and what would you change on the eBay discussion boards if you could, and why?
(Warning comment at your own risk, they who must be obeyed or else, are still watching but not for long hopefully)
on 12-06-2013 10:10 PM
Same here, though not clubs...I'm plenty busy most days, so the net is just something I do occasionally these days...I think I got way too much once up on a time when I had to babysit another place every day....quite enough for me thanks...lol
It does where a little thin these days as there is little of interest now its been turned into a ghost town.
Lucky there are lots of places that are interesting just a few mouse clicks away.
on 12-06-2013 10:12 PM
opps wrong wear, now just wait for the spelling police to pounce
on 12-06-2013 10:13 PM
re above, that account is a mates account, who I'm attempting to help sort out something with listings, so those of you who like to target people, please feel free to leave that one alone,...the owner bites legally hard...if you get my drift.
on 12-06-2013 10:17 PM
It does where a little thin these days as there is little of interest now its been turned into a ghost town.
Lucky there are lots of places that are interesting just a few mouse clicks away.
I only post on one news site...not interested in social forums usually - too busy
I'm starting to think my mate should get anyone but me to fix his problem. I'm still a paypal blonde and ebay is getting way too complicated for this black duck.
on 12-06-2013 10:21 PM
I have a number of hobbies and they all have forums and groups so there is always someone with something of interest or needing help.
on 12-06-2013 10:47 PM
We're busy finishing the house so we can sell almost everything we own, & take off around Australia this year...can't wait...we're doing up the caravan as well, so it has me involved with one forum = we're treating it a bit like a garden shed on wheels and doing it up to modern specs.
BTW, does anyone know how to time listings to start at a particular time and date? i.e. does turbo lister just upload and wait till that particular time?....I'm seriously not good at listing these days...they seem to take a long time compared to years gone by and twice as confusing.
Once upon a time I could have advised anyone how it's all done, but not now. The person I'm trying to help, has even less of a clue so I'm not being much help at this stage.
Donna, Margo...help
on 12-06-2013 11:00 PM
What a name - Ina Steiner. :^O
on 12-06-2013 11:03 PM
I only want 2 things:
1. sensible, adult, local moderation
2. A 'like' button
on 12-06-2013 11:07 PM
If you can travel and keep the house to come back to it it would be good, not everyone can handle living in a van full time. as much as I love getting away its always nice to come home and there will be a time in the future when a house will be needed again.
just something to think about
on 12-06-2013 11:14 PM
Actually, that's the whole point of it, we're going looking for a few acres up north (much warmer) to build a fully sustainable off the grid house...we're sick of bills, so it's solar and water tanks and envirocycle sewerage, vege garden = the whole deal. Makes the trip so much more exciting when you're looking for something in particular - also a great way to look for a new place.