on 12-06-2013 05:52 PM
EcommerceBytes Blog - Ina Steiner
"eBay is revamping its community area including the discussion boards. The change comes as eBay transitions away from using LiveWorld to moderate its boards. As we report in Monday's news story, eBay was not ready to provide more details when we broke the story last month. Who will moderate the boards - will it be brought in-house, or will eBay outsource it to another company? We'll have to wait to find out.
But we do know eBay is revamping the boards. Certain features will remain the same, but the design will change."
One change that is puzzling is how eBay will designate an employee's post. In the past, moderators' posts were always shown with a pink box - with the new design, posts from eBay employees will be identified by a blue box surrounding the post. Users had always referred to eBay forum moderators as "pinks" - so changing the color seems an odd decision.
Users have already expressed concern over what the change in moderation will mean for the user experience, so hearing that eBay will revamp the community area will likely cause more concern. On a positive note, eBay will move all previous posts to the updated forums.
What do you think of these changes, described here:
and what would you change on the eBay discussion boards if you could, and why?
(Warning comment at your own risk, they who must be obeyed or else, are still watching but not for long hopefully)
on 17-06-2013 05:34 PM
...I never ventured into CW in the first place....RT was my preference.....seems like the CW had some nasty types too.
on 17-06-2013 05:34 PM
on 17-06-2013 05:35 PM
Haha that's funny Em. Oh well. At least your problems have been "halved" so to speak. Unless he decides to make a return.
on 17-06-2013 05:36 PM
Joono, who or what is this short member that you have 😄
I wondered the same, iza but didn't want to embarrass anyone. 😉
on 17-06-2013 05:36 PM
Iza! :^O
I didn't even notice that one LOL.
on 17-06-2013 05:46 PM
Gee flashie
I believe I can post any thing I want with in ebays rules, not flashie rules 🙂
I just prefer you post the truth.
The people who you now accuse of reporting you were at the time your friends..........and you were happily posting amongst them.
They supported you through your breast cancer.
on 18-06-2013 12:33 PM
Good Moaning everyone...what did I miss?
on 18-06-2013 12:36 PM
Morning Cue,
it was called Community Next Generation Board & was supposedly a board where you could ask the mods a question. They dId answer some questions, but not all. anyway I just noticed that it's completely disappeared.
Can you imagine the stupid questions they would get.
on 18-06-2013 12:37 PM
lol you missed a few members Cue :^O
on 18-06-2013 12:53 PM
was that about the post a few pages back by Lion?.... or did some old rt'ers drop in?
BTW, where is Vintage these days?....haven't seen her on this forum for yonks.