
did anyone watch the show last night about the part played by horses in the WWI? - disappointing part was the last 5 minutes when they gave a summary of the horses' fates after the war was won.
Message 1 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

that was terribly sad



have you ever seen the movie  "warhorse"?

Message 2 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

@debra9275 wrote:

that was terribly sad



have you ever seen the movie  "warhorse"?

Yes, I have.


From memory the horse was bought at auction by someone rich. Didn't he give it back to the one who wanted him?


It also said that the officers were allowed to take their horses home - is that true?


Have you read "Bill The 'Bathplug'"?  He was mentioned last night too.

Message 3 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

The movie War Horse is on tonight Channel 7 at 8:30.

Message 4 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

The fate of the horses was so very sad

But better they are put down humanely than be left there to a life of cruelty with the locals.

I can't understand why they could not be taken home to Oz.

The infrastructure was in place to take them overseas.   Why not to take the survivors back home.

Especially as the death toll of the animals must have been horrendous.

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

Unfortunately, even back then we had strict quarantine laws.   Who knows what diseases could have been bought into the country if there had been mass returns of horses.


The horrible truth is that very few animals used in wartime were returned home.


It is comparatively recent that our animals have been bought home from overseas and even then they are subjected to full quarantine conditions.

Message 6 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

The movie War Horse is on tonight Channel 7 at 8:30.

I'm not really keen on Stephen Spielberg movies, they're a bit light on fact and heavy on effect, but I might watch that tonight.

Message 7 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

I'm not really keen on Stephen Spielberg movies, they're a bit light on fact and heavy on effect, but I might watch that tonight.


That's amusing, since most of his movies are fiction, science and otherwise.  You want fact, watch documentaries.......

Message 8 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

I'm not really keen on Stephen Spielberg movies, they're a bit light on fact and heavy on effect, but I might watch that tonight.


That's amusing, since most of his movies are fiction, science and otherwise.  You want fact, watch documentaries.......

Yeah, I know.


Which is mainly why I don't hold Stephen Spielberg movies in high regard unless it's sci-fi and fantasy.


But I'll watch Warhorse tonight knowing full well it's a bit of flim-flammery.



Message 9 of 14
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Re: Warhorses

Speilberg has given us some really big blockbuster movies like Raiders of the lost ark which in it's time was great


Warhorse is a good film, I had never thought about the horses until I did see that film though I don't know whether they really did take horses home.


Lincoln is a more recent film of his that I haven't seen but would like to

Message 10 of 14
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