We Don't Want You Back!


Australia PM rules out leniency for ex-jihadists


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has ruled out any leniency for returning jihadists following reports that three of its nationals suspected of fighting with Islamic State were in secret negotiations with Canberra to come home.


The Australian newspaper said the three had approached authorities via intermediaries or family members, but that the talks were stalled over what punishment they would face and fears of the risk they might pose if they were reissued passports and allowed to return.


The news has sparked a fierce debate in Australia about whether or not to allow those who have left the country to fight with ISIS or other groups to return. The public and the government appear to be in lockstep in their opposition to the idea.


A lawyer representing one of the three Australian men told Fairfax radio that his client, an Australian-born convert to Islam, was prepared to face the full force of the law and wanted to use his experience to discourage would-be jihadists from joining the terror group.


 Rob Stary said if he were capable of rehabilitation, "then we should utilise him, we should at least engage in the discussion, but the shutters have been put up by the (Australian Federal Police)".


Entire Article Here


Oh he wants to use his experience to counsel would-be-jihadists against joining ISIL, does he?


How do we know he's not a Trojan Horse and instead is instructed to recruit fresh meat?

Message 1 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

Community Member

@icyfroth wrote:



Oh he wants to use his experience to counsel would-be-jihadists against joining ISIL, does he?


How do we know he's not a Trojan Horse and instead is instructed to recruit fresh meat?

ISIS have beheaded those that have tried to desert them so the only way they could return to Aus is if they let


them,(that means there is then only one reason why they would let them return),stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif


They went over there in the full knowledge that they were expected to murder innocent people,(that alone


makes them ineligible to return IMHO).

Message 2 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

I read that these idiots must have their identity kept secret as Isis may kill them if they  find they hope to desert...im thinking easy answer ,tell Isis who they are problem solved. What bothers me is the focus on what risk they may pose yet im also worried by what war crimes they are guilty of it looks to me like anyone  in these groups are commiting rape,torture,murder  and god knows what other deviant behavior

One cheerful thing though ... apparently the numbers of Recruits are staying stable as they are being killed at a fast rate .Apparently  the latest fatality from Vic was beheaded for desertion 

Message 3 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

A lot of them are young men being brainwashed into going by sinister recruitment and without understanding the implications of what they are going for.


Quite frankly, it would be better for Australia if they did come back.


Firstly, the intelligence they will be able to provide our government would be invaluable.

Secondly, the horror stories they would retell might make others rethink their own ideas of going over.


I say we should bring them back, lock them up and use them for our own purposes. Surely that makes the most sense?

Message 4 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

A lot of them are young men being brainwashed into going by sinister recruitment and without understanding the implications of what they are going for.


Quite frankly, it would be better for Australia if they did come back.


Firstly, the intelligence they will be able to provide our government would be invaluable.

Secondly, the horror stories they would retell might make others rethink their own ideas of going over.


I say we should bring them back, lock them up and use them for our own purposes. Surely that makes the most sense?

@i-need-a-martini wrote:

A lot of them are young men being brainwashed into going by sinister recruitment and without understanding the implications of what they are going for.


Quite frankly, it would be better for Australia if they did come back.


Firstly, the intelligence they will be able to provide our government would be invaluable.

Secondly, the horror stories they would retell might make others rethink their own ideas of going over.


I say we should bring them back, lock them up and use them for our own purposes. Surely that makes the most sense?

Well if they're Aussie, we have no choice. We're legally bound to own them.

We can punish them with lengthy gaol terms and/or hefty fines, but that's about all. A lot of muslim radicalisation happens in Aus gaols.


I don't think their "horror stories" would put any young guns off. On the contrary. They'd think it a huge adventure much as Australian young men flocked to sign up for WWs 1&2.



Message 5 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

Community Member

i say don't let them back in.

if they don't have the option of returning to the bosom of their family in the land of milk and honey when they are done with playing war games they may just think twice about going.


Message 6 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

No they won't think twice about going...... " it won't happen to me" syndrome
Message 7 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

So 'our boys" AKA the drug traffickers that were executed in Indonesia.... I noticed this catchcry being bandied around a


fair bit.....


A decade ago, these two young men made a dreadful mistake.
By all accounts they spent every minute since seeking to mend their ways and to steer others on the road to redemption. Proof the justice system could reform wrongdoers, not just punish wrongdoing.
Yet today, they were made to pay for one stupid decision of ten years ago with their lives.
Indonesia has not just robbed two young men of their lives but robbed itself of two examples of the strengths of its justice system. 
These executions significantly weaken Indonesia's ability to plead mercy for its own citizens facing execution around the world.
As a close friend and neighbour of Indonesia, Australia is deeply hurt that our pleas for mercy were ignored.
It was completely unacceptable for Indonesia to proceed as it did when critical legal processes were yet to run their course, raising serious questions about Indonesia's commitment to the rule of law.






So.............. those that don't want the "jihadi boys" repatriated understand that by proxy you are sentencing the "boys" to death.


Some of those people that want to deny the jihadi "boys" the chance of rehabilitation appear to have supported the


repatriation of two drug dealers that were afforded the chance of rehabilitation and succeeded regardless of their early




Tarred and feathered a jihadi terrorist..... no trial................. just a stamp on a passport.




Where's the sympathy now for "our stupid young boys"?



atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 8 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

@amalan11 wrote:

I read that these idiots must have their identity kept secret as Isis may kill them if they  find they hope to desert...im thinking easy answer ,tell Isis who they are problem solved. What bothers me is the focus on what risk they may pose yet im also worried by what war crimes they are guilty of it looks to me like anyone  in these groups are commiting rape,torture,murder  and god knows what other deviant behavior

One cheerful thing though ... apparently the numbers of Recruits are staying stable as they are being killed at a fast rate .Apparently  the latest fatality from Vic was beheaded for desertion 

This happens in all wars, conflicts, it isnt a *new* concept. It is not an isolated happening.
Even the Australian soldiers in WW1, WW2 had its sick-in-the-head personnel committing these atrocities on civilians of war!

Re OP: We Dont Want You Back.....  I heard on the news that one of the *boys* was a nurse in the hospital and was forced to join ISIS.

I havent quite made a personal decision yet... i dont think we have ALL the FACTS yet! (only what the media have wanted us to think!!!)

********* *********** *********** ************ ************ *********** ***********
Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 9 of 59
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Re: We Don't Want You Back!

@colic2bullsgirlore wrote:




So.............. those that don't want the "jihadi boys" repatriated understand that by proxy you are sentencing the "boys" to death.


Some of those people that want to deny the jihadi "boys" the chance of rehabilitation appear to have supported the


repatriation of two drug dealers that were afforded the chance of rehabilitation and succeeded regardless of their early




Tarred and feathered a jihadi terrorist..... no trial................. just a stamp on a passport.




Where's the sympathy now for "our stupid young boys"?



I always read that as,they knew the only possible way they might cheat death is if they showed that they were


rehabilitated,(so they put all their effort into that as a survival tactic).


They ignored all the signs not to do it but still went ahead with it,(the same as the currents ones).


Maybe the alternative the would be murderers have being given is to go back and cause mayhem in Aus


or face beheading?.


Survival mode would kick in and they would agree to anything.


Neither would get sympathy from me,stubborn_smiley_by_mirz123-d4bt0te_zps12f1a5a3.gif



Message 10 of 59
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