Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone


Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

We're seeing extreme weather events, and more of them, all of which is devastating in a continent such as ours.


We may well love a sunburnt country with her "droughts and flooding rains", but this is taking it too far.

Message 11 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Message 12 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

I had to go out to lunch today and for a short while, the rain was absolutely torrential. I was on the freeway and I hate it when it rains so hard you can't see the while traffic lines for glare.  Luckily it stopped raining while I was at lunch and just a few minutes ago, the sun was shining brightly here. Very changeable.

I think some patches of the road flooded because of a heavy fall in such a short time but we are relatively lucky in that where we live is on a bit of a slope so rain drains away easily.

Message 13 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

I was also out driving when the heavy rain hit. To be honest I don`t ever remember driving in rain that heavy. I could hardly see and this was driving at 40 klms.

Message 14 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

I hope everyone remains safe while driving, etc. 


Message 15 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

I will be glad when today is much on tv, radio, newspapers about the severe rain and storms that  we will be experiencing this afternoon:-(


Take care everyone!

Message 17 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

@janeababe wrote:

Erghโ€ฆ.. more damn rain. Our 1 acre yard is already sooooooo wet, we literally have an inch of water sitting on top. I need to wear my gum boots to go up the back fence. Two weeks ago, water over the road meant I had to travel an extra 35kms out of my way, just to get to work. (And back) and when on night duty, driving that distance at night, when Iโ€™m already tired, is  stressful for me.  The water has now subsided, but left enormous pot holes everywhere.  One issue after another. 


Iโ€™m so bloody over it! 

Will have to build myself an ark if this keeps up ๐Ÿ›ณ


gumboots . . . you're lucky, I ain't got nought to put on my feet 'cept for the counterfeit Armani socks I got on eBay for badgers day four year ago when I venture out to check on my fence, you're lucky, I ain't got nought what I would call a fence, just a couple of sticks in the ground really, not even in a straight line . . . oh to have a fence!  Pot holes, we've got so many pot holes for so long we done gone and given them names, and they have children and grandchildren, run out of names there be so many of 'em !


Seriously now  we had 44.8mm of rain overnight with more forecast for today.  I have turned off the sprinklers.

Message 18 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

As I drink my Chaรขteau de Chasselas, I am eager to know all about badgers dayโ€ฆ

Message 19 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone