Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone


Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

So far, where I am (SE Melb) there has only been a light drizzle. I don't think it is even doing that at the moment.


Although I am retired, I still tend to judge weather by if it would be a wet day timetable at school or not. At the moment, I'd say the kids would be getting out to play, although all staff would stay at school, no one would nick out to the shops to buy lunch or anything (they would all have brought it from home today) as the sky is a bit iffy.


I used to be chief weather watcher at the school amongst my group of friends, called upon to decide whether we could risk having lunch at the shops or not. Today's a 'not' day. But it is not the deluge we have been expecting.

I suppose it might come at 3.30pm. That often used to happen, just in time to make things difficult for parents at pick up time.

Message 21 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

@countessalmirena wrote:

As I drink my Chaรขteau de Chasselas, I am eager to know all about badgers dayโ€ฆ


Badgers Day is on Oct 6th each year.


(to be honest, I didn't know there was such a day when I prepared my post, I was just channeling Monty Python)

Message 23 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

It is also National Noodle Day and National Mad Hatter Day.

Message 24 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

(in Adelaide)...just had another hailstorm

Message 25 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Our roads out, are still closed in most directions. 
Iโ€™m back on night shift tomorrow for 3 weeks, so hereโ€™s to another hours travel each way, once again. Night driving, makes it hard to see the potholes for what they really are. Now add rain and dense cloud cover on top of thatโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


We are expecting heavy torrential rains tonight and lasting 3 days, itโ€™s been muggy and steamy all day, the usual tell-tail signs that rain is a coming! ๐Ÿ˜ž



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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 27 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

bugger...take care 

Message 28 of 96
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Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Re: Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

remains of brown snake found near back door yesterdayremains of brown snake found near back door yesterday

Message 30 of 96
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