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Resolved! 4-Day Music Challenge: Theme is TOYS

4-Day Music ChallengeTheme : Toys The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of the challenge. In the event of a...

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Resolved! Medibank Private

I am a member of Medibank Private and I was wondering who else is and what are they going to do about it? I am also an Optus customer so I am waiting now for the 3rd one! Tia

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Resolved! Caption THIS #421

Caption this #421 The winner will be the caption with the most helpfuls and will start the new round. In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. Caption This #420, will end on Thursday 15th Dec 2022. Good luck everyone and have fun

Resolved! Four Day Music Challenge. Theme is Tea and Coffee

4-Day Music ChallengeTheme : Tea and Coffee. The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of the challenge. In the...

Resolved! Four Day Music Challenge – Theme is: Lazy

4-Day Music ChallengeTheme: Lazy, laziness, couldn’t be bothered The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the end of t...

Resolved! Caption This #420

Caption this #420 The winner will be the caption with the most helpfuls and will start the new round. In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. Caption This #420, will end on Thursday 8th Dec 2022. Good luck everyone and have fun

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Any volunteers for head transplant?

Are there any volunteers here at the eBay Community willing to advance the cause of science? If you aren't satisfied with you new look you might be able to ask for you old head to be put back in place. Road to a human head transplant AN ITALIAN surge...

Resolved! 4-Day Music Challenge -Theme: Buildings (Ancient or Modern) any, really

4-Day Music Challenge -Theme: Buildings (Ancient or Modern)...any, really The challenge ends on Friday 2nd December, 2022 The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the nex...

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Resolved! Caption This #419

Caption this! #419. The winner will be the caption with the most helpfuls and will start the new round.In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. Caption This #419, will end on Friday, 2nd Dec 2022. Good luck everyone and have fun

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Any legal people out there ?

I was just consulting the VIC gov site " Information for Industry and Workers required to be vaccinated " Information for industry and workers required to be vaccinated | Coronavirus Victoria I could not find any links at this site to the empowering ...

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Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge Theme: Things that you can eat, in the title

4-Day Music Challenge -Theme: Things you can eat, in the title The challenge ends on Monday 28th November, 2022 The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, h...

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Resolved! Caption this! #418

Caption this! #418. The winner will be the caption with the most helpfuls and will start the new round. In the event of a tie, the OP will decide the winner. Caption This #418, will end on Sunday, 27 Nov 2022 in the late afternoon. Good luck everyone...

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Kiva loan :)

Aww my 14 year old son just happily paid for a Kiva loan out of his own money. I suggested it to him after showing him the one I did last night and he didn't hesitate to say yes. Just a little bit proud that he did that :-x

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Resolved! 4-Day Music Challenge -Theme: Anywhere in Africa

4-Day Music Challenge -Theme: Anywhere in AfricaThe challenge ends on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 The poster of the song which has the most ‘helpfuls’ at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and ...

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